7Springs Upper Lot Question
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December 28, 2012
Member since 06/30/2004 🔗
785 posts
Although I've parked in the upper lot countless times, I'm not sure if its possible to ski to the front side without too much of a hike. When I park there, we always ski down to the the North Face lift.

My wife and I are planning to get to 7S around 8AM Saturday and/or Sunday morning and was hoping we'd be able to park in the upper lot and ski to the front side and get a few runs in before 9. Any help is appreciated.
December 28, 2012
Member since 09/5/2011 🔗
256 posts
the north lot, take the sunbowl trail (closed) to the bottom of 'the spot'. (see map http://www.7springs.com/pdf/WinterTrailMap.pdf) When looking at this map, you normally leave the lot and turn right to the green trail. Walk to the left of the big pines and jump on sunbowl from there.
You will then need to take your gear off and walk to the front face. You are at this point at the paid parking area and where the shuttles/buses drop people off almost. Doesnt get better than this if you wanted to be on the front face to begin with.
6 in one, half dozen another. Take the north face lift to the top then ride down to the front without needing to take your stuff off; however, my method is more for people that dont have tickets yet as you walk RIGHT past the ticket counter.

I dont think they open until 9am though fyi. I'd check. I would also recommend you bring an intertube and put it around your body, because by tomorrow if the crowds from thurs/fri are lower than what will bring tomorrow, I can only imagine it will be like a scene from dawn of the dead. BRAINS!!!!!!!!

Does anyone know if they always have the north lot open other than just busy days? Ive decided this is my new favorite, sans parking in the lodge lot. wink Was very nice to ride down to my truck to get away from the crowd and just sit , eat lunch and dry off on Thursday.

I refuse to take a shuttle to and from. Im sure they run rather regularly, but I just dont like being shuttled. Makes me feel like the stupid cattle I am for soliciting this place.

January 9, 2013
Member since 09/5/2008 🔗
46 posts
The North Lot is the only soul that Seven Springs has left anymore!

The North Lot gate is open on the Weekends and Holidays. You can drive to the lot from the main entrance when the North gate is not open. It is a short hike/ski to the Alpine Meadows/glades down to Deer Trail/fawn lane to Wagner. The best plan is to ski the back first then ski the front.

Lunch in the Lot is always nice.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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