I was hoping to see the 11 inches of new powder they were claiming in last 24hrs, but was probably more like 4 inches. What was open was generally fairly hard packed with some powder on edges. There were a few trails with some small powder bumps that were fun albeit short considering the lines. Grabhammer was probably the most fun. The bottom section at the lift right below the top of the world area had a few surprising bumps. Since all green trails ran here there were a few folks who really surprised. Lines were long on all but that lift. But made new lift line friends almost every time. All in all a good day, just a little too much standing. Here are some links to a few shots. The one with folks falling is grabhammer. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=582973078386703&l=faa80a21b3 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=582973121720032&l=b5f4191959 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=582973135053364&l=87b4bbc758
Facebook photos may not be good for sharing here -- you have to make them publicly available and one need to have facebook account to view photos on Facebook.