Headed to Snowbasin/Powder Mountain on Monday!!
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February 20, 2013
Member since 04/30/2012 🔗
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Its our first trip out west! Cant freaking wait! Does anyone have any good tips for either of these two resorts? (stashes & tips) We chose Snowbasin for the lift system, acreage, and the fact its seems a lot less crowded without sacrificing size. Powder Mountain is also very close and seems to have some great natural terrain. We're gonna do 3 days at Snowbasin and 1 1/2 days at PowMow. Seem good? Seems great too me smile
February 20, 2013
Member since 01/2/2007 🔗
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More days at Powder Mountain, less at Snow Basin. Both are good, but Powder Mtn is awesome!!! And cheaper if that matters. Ride the poma lift and drop in to any of those trees beyond the poma! Was just there on Friday, 3 days after the last snow, and was still riding freshies at close!

Especially if things are foggy or there's any flat light, stay away from Snowbasin, but Snowbasin is really fun on a bluebird day!
JimK - DCSki Columnist
February 20, 2013
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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Be sure to make a nature call in a Snowbasin rest room. laugh
The Snowbasin gondolas are great to ride in cold temps and you have to ride the tram too. Great view off backside of mtn. Mid-mtn restaurant at base of tram is nice place for lunch.

Try the $15 snowcat rides at Powder Mtn at least once just for the experience. Try Powder Country with a buddy and catch bus back to resort.
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
February 20, 2013
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
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I'm not stupid enough to disclose stashes on the Internet, but I can give you some general advice.

I've got tons of miles at both places. Pow Mow is rapidly dropping on my list, since I've hit a lot of bad snow there in recent years, even by EC standards. YMMV. (I used to totally love the place.) It's at a low elevation by Utah standards and can get some mixed precip at times. Plus, a lot of its terrain gets sun and wind exposure. It is also no longer undiscovered by the Pow Hounds.

Good news is that Pow Mow is still uncrowded, affordable, and has tons of terrain, especially if you include the pay-by-the-ride snowcat rides up Lightning Ridge ($18 this year, you ski back to lift served terrain) and (free) bus-served Powder Country. You should be reasonably competent off-piste before you try either one; you'll see the final (and generally steepest) faces of Powder Country on either side of the access road on your drive up.

Main base area is the second one you come to on the drive up.

Pow Mow has mostly lower-angle (by Utah standards) terrain, shorter runs, and most of the trees are Aspens (which don't shelter sun/wind.) Steepest lift-served terrain is to either side of the Paradise lift. What you lack in vert you make up for in width.

Cobabe Canyon (back side of the ridge served by the Poma) is a good place to try to find untracked, just about all the choices there are very mellow, short, with a long cat track runout. If you do luck out and get a large dump, Pow Mow can have a lot of low angle terrain traps. Beware.

The Timberline lift is a great place to end the ski day (short runs but some decent terrain in there with all sun aspects.)

Check out the Shooting Star Saloon in Huntsville for apres beers and the heart-attack-inducing Star Burger.

Snowbasin has the best infrastructure (lifts/lodges) in all of Utah. Don't brown bag it those days. $18 will get you a full meal (restaurant quality) served on china. Apres drinks on the sun-soaked base area patio is as sweet as it gets.

With the gondolas, you'll get in a lot of vert. Plenty of choices for long high-speed groomer runs. John Paul lift (mostly expert-only terrain) is a good lift to use if it happens to be crowded at the other lifts.

Steepest stuff is either off the John Paul lift or a bit of a hike/traverse above lift-served. You have to look for it a bit to find it (except for the terrain right below the John Paul lift.) (Which is safer that way.)

As mentioned earlier in this thread, Snowbasin can be rough on a low visibility (or very windy) day. Much of the terrain is treeless (especially in the Strawberry area.)

Biggest problems with Snowbasin are it's relatively low base and primarily East-facing aspect. Ridges run down the mountain, with Northern and Southern exposures. Southern exposures can obviously get dicey (mashed potatoes followed by freeze at night.) Strawberry area (especially the lowest sections) can get affected by the sun (which if you time it right can be ideal); it does have some real, real fun rolling terrain when the snow is right.

Edit: you can get discount tix for Pow Mow at the grocery store in Eden (at the four corners.) Maybe Snowbasin also. Ski stores in SLC/Ogden have discount tix.
February 22, 2013
Member since 04/30/2012 🔗
44 posts
We Are going to do 3 days at Snowbasin so we can really try and explore all 3000 acres, and just one day to PowMow. I know the terrain is supposed to be awesome but we can get alot more runs in with Snowbasin's lift system. Either way its gonna be awesome. I had probably my best east coast pow day ever this year at Blue-Knob, so hopefully i get the best west coast pow too!
February 26, 2013
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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November 19, 2014
Member since 04/30/2012 🔗
44 posts

Thank you to everyone who helped me, im sorry i never got back to you all. It was an excellent trip! thank you again for being so helpful.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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