Heads Up Re-Unusual Corridor H Encounter
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March 28, 2013
Member since 12/23/2012 🔗
8 posts
After enjoying 5 sweet days of CV's best, I headed home this evening for a quick 24 hour respite. Thank you, Timberline and Whitegrass for staying open this week!

I've been traveling to CV from the DC area on Corridor H the past few months, now that another section has opened up. The last few trips heading west, I've noticed a *huge* gathering of goats enjoying the sunny rocks, high up, just outside Moorefield, on the western side. I've been curious about them, and also admired that they found such a nice scenic spot just outside of town.

However, this evening, that bucolic scene changed a bit. As I headed east down the hill, just as the town of Moorefield became visible, I noticed goats on both sides of the road. And there's more. Yes, there were goats *in* the road. Goats in the middle of the road on Corridor H, ie, speed limit XX mph (whoops, 60!). Those particular goats, continued across of the highway, to join their friends.

But, as I entered the jersey wall section of the long overpass, I discovered not all the goats had crossed the highway.

This little guy was looking trapped between the jersey walls, about 75 yards into the overpass. Luckily there was no traffic behind me, so I was able to slow to a stop. But ,the little goat was confused about which way to go and continued farther away from his friends and further down the highway. He began to look rather panicked, and even started to prance and peek over the edge, which would have led to an ugly end far below.

I was able to eventually move in front of him, and with flashers flashing (and, no other vehicles coming our way) I slowly backed up (yeah, I know) and honked my horn and was able to herd him all the way back to where the jersey wall begins. He quickly hopped over the fence there and went about his merry way.

Beware, the roadside goats just west of Moorefield. They really are quite spectacular to see when high up on the rocky hill. I'd like to think they will stay up there and out of the road, but goats will be goats.

This was one very lucky little goat. Be careful out there. smile
March 28, 2013
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
I Herd that!..But ya know?..That really gets my Goat!..Cant believe we Goat to be careful on that hiway now!
Well RiverGoatgirl...Your a bonified modern day urban Goatgirl now..herdin them goats with your Iron horse..You go Girl!!! grin
March 28, 2013
Member since 01/17/2005 🔗
339 posts
That's worth FIVE STARS!!! Congrats you deserve them. smile
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
March 28, 2013
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts
Saw those goats last weekend. Hopefully, whoever owns them will keep them off the road....

I also once saw a bear runnning across 55 between Wardensville and Strasburg in the GW Forest area, and have seen several bear running across 32 between Davis and Canaan Heights.

Lots of animals, domestic and wild. Be careful, especially at night.
March 28, 2013
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,552 posts
Actually the goats have been on that area of the 'mountain' before Corridor-H was ever started. If I remember correctly, there was an article in our local weekly newspaper about 8 years ago just before construction started on the overpass section in Moorefield. The article detailed how older men would gather at McDonald's for breakfast in the mornings and watch the goats gather on the hill top off in the distance. They were worried with the construction of the highway that the goats would be chased off. I can't say for sure, but I seem to recall that the article stated the goats were wild and had been roaming that area naturally for a few decades.
March 29, 2013
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
You mean ferral goats? We have ferral hogs in parts of Virginia. Cats, Dogs, Hogs, and now goats....
March 29, 2013
Member since 12/26/2009 🔗
559 posts
Goats are yum.
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
March 29, 2013
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,570 posts
Goat's Head Soup?

Curried goat?

Ski and Tell

Speak truth to powder.

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