This link is from 1997, an exceptional year. The month of May 97 set a record with 100 inches of snow. I skied the Gulf of Slides in early June 97 and it was spectacular, still my best ever Mt. Washington trip.
About 20 years ago my son and I went to tucks in early July, but I forget the day. It was my worst trip. We camped at Hermit Lake and had our food bag invaded by squirrels. The bowl was badly undercut and you could hear running water under the snow. Hiking up my son broke thru the undercut snow into icy water up to his armpits. The black flies were so bad that blood was running down our faces into our eyes. After one short run of 10 turns or so we bailed on the second night of camping and hiked down to Pinkham Notch. We ran into 2 MDs hiking who were convinced we had fallen and suffered head injuries. They asked our names, what year was it and who was president.