t-line zip line
September 15, 2014
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Was at t-line this past weekend and yesterday. The surveyors have marked the boundaries where the towers for the proposed zip line is to be. In looking at it I cannot believe where they are going to run it. It's in a word, STUPID
. The top or start will be in the upper middle of the teaching area, run over the loading area for the silverqueen, down the middle of the slope in the front of the lodge with a tower in the middle of the slope, continue over the loading area for the orange lift and end up in front of the parking lot behind herzwoods blocking a deck walkway from a friend's house. This has got to be the most [censored] up idea I've seen yet from the mental midgets who run and own the place. They plan on running it all winter as an attraction for boy scouts. Maybe tucker knows more than I do.
See we only have boring old every day functional zip lines with people who know how to operate them at Big Sky...where's the fun (for the spectators) in that?!
...I have heard about it, but sounds like you know more than I...our crew has been discussing it at lunch for the last few weeks and we are very excited...it is going to be a fantasickly slimy season this year...cant hardly wait..
............... It's in a word, STUPID
. The top or start will be in the upper middle of the teaching area, run over the loading area for the silverqueen, down the middle of the slope in the front of the lodge
with a tower in the middle of the slope, continue over the loading area for the orange lift and end up in front of the parking lot behind herzwoods blocking a deck walkway from a friend's house. This has got to be the most [censored] up idea I've seen yet from the mental midgets who run and own the place.
They plan on running it all winter as an attraction for boy scouts. Maybe tucker knows more than I do.
That's just awesome. Herz MOuntain would be a great place to develop a ski area.
Boy scouts falling from the ski onto lift lines and ski slopes?
T-Slime gonna run the zip line during/after Happy Hour?
How many snowballs gonna be tossed at the person on the zip line?
What gets evac'ed first by Ski Patrol, a stuck lift or a stuck zip line? Or repaired by mountain ops?
For full entertainment value, too bad they didn't run it over the lower part of Sally. Carnage to the left, carnage to the right, carnage looking down, carnage looking up.
hahahaha...lifts definitely should be evac'ed first...if the zip line is evac'ed, what will keep the custy's on the chairlift entertained?
if the zip line is evac'ed, what will keep the custy's on the chairlift entertained?
Ski School line dancing? With maybe some twerking thrown in? Move ze hips like Stein.
It worked so well at BlowShoe...LOL...zip line to the lake canceled. Owners trying to get the 50' eyesore in the middle of the Village taken down.
Just read about the RAD! Sold mine for 50% of my purchase price for cash/24 hr closing...thankful every day since I dumped the 'shoe. LOL - unit just flooded out - not my problem now! Since then others have gone to "Closing" multiple times and still couldn't get out. Free at last...free at last...and now retired with over 40 years CSRS and in Orlando.
...careful, you will loose stars for talking that way about the trendy, spendy, corporate Blowshoe here on this forum...the policy is you can talk [censored] about any resort and it is fine, except snowshoe---.I just gave ya a five star rating...
...was walkin the dog up slamandr yesterday...K, are these 3 orange pins to the left of that stationary snow gun in the picture marking the tower placements???
They don't promote the bike trails they have and they want to do this?
Can I get a refund on my early bird?
...timberline has bike trails???
...yep, see I lost another star...someone is a little too sensitive or needs to take off the pink panties(or more likely the truth hits hard)...relax, this is a ski forum with a bunch of slang being thrown around, its all in good fun, nothing said here that's serious---it ain't gonna effect your property value at the blowshoe, it cant get any worse up there from what I hear anyway...man, a 2 star rating...not going to be able to sleep tonight...
...1 star---oh my god, how will I make it through the day...
There, gave you another one. That should help you make it through another day.
...careful, you will loose stars for talking that way about the trendy, spendy, corporate Blowshoe here on this forum...the policy is you can talk [censored] about any resort and it is fine, except the trendy Blowshoe...
You're referring to the ol' daze when Bill Rock ran this site. Anyway, their sales (or lack of) and the creation of the RAD so that Owners pay Intrawest business expenses, speak for themselves.
Rich (snowbuck), Bill Rock has never run this site. That's a calumnious barb against Scott, who has managed this site for 14 years and to whom we all owe a huge debt of gratitude for his selfless devotion and countless hours improving it. I've watched you trash Snowshoe on every opportunity and that's your choice, but please leave Scott alone.
I'm not a friend of Bill Rock and had some acrid words with him in my association as a condo board member, same home owner association to which you belonged. He did much good and he can also be criticized for some of his decisions, mainly the elimination of the courtesy patrol, the gutting of much of the grooming staff and his astonishing inattention to the food and beverage operation. Still, Snowshoe, for all its corporateness, produces a steady product that has tremendous appeal to thousands of people and just recently sold almost 20,000 season passes. The new CEO is to be commended for his work. Like it or not, the ratings from magazines, critics and the overall ski community put Snowshoe as one of the best places in the East to engage in Winter sports.
The RAD is a mixed blessing. But something like that may prove beneficial to Snowshoe's clientele. Most of Snowshoe's home owners have a vested interest in the running of the resort and the local community, yet have zero voice in the Pocohontas County political structure as they don't vote there. And each homeowner pays mountain assessments to Intrawest and has been doing so since shortly after the resort was founded. You did yourself pay these assessments, but they were transparent as your HOA included it in the HOA fees. There was little transparency to these assessments. With the advent of the RAD, the assessments will stay at Snowshoe, which is a benefit. The RAD, by the way, has significant representation in its board from the home owner associations so finally they can have an input into the running of the place, something they didn't have before as the Snowshoe Property Owner's Council was set apart from the resort management. The RAD may levy additional taxes on the lodging, food and beverage operation to increase a revenue stream, which I understand is not contemplated at this time.
By the way, I also sold my unit as I am on the way back to New England. It sold within a week after going on sale and it sold quite well, as a matter of fact just shy of six figures, a big difference from the purchase price. But before selling, I did everything possible to make it appealing. Attitude as a sales person can net you big profits. Trashing the same product you're trying to sell is probably not a way to ensure profits.
I beleive the three marks are for some type of tower/support for the line. Otherwise the sag would have zippers too close to the ground turning them into real entertainment aka: snow/skeet shoot. Hmm... I have this frined who has a collection of great potato guns... anyone in?
Lou. I could not agree more with you regarding this site and mountain managements, especially at the shoe. If you go back in time... the shoe operated on it's strings which were fraying. Although I don't especially care for big corporate, it saved both ski areas there and created additional local jobs which were non existent. I worked ski scool at the shoe in the late 80's/ early 90's and can verify all of what you said. I moved to and invested in the valley area instead of the shoe which has it's own problems to solve. The valley's economy will be saved by corridor H and the customer/visitor base it'll bring. The shoe will continue to flounder because there is just no easy way to get there.
Kwill, I'll agree 100%. And as it stands now, the ecological and economic concerns mean that any improved transportation infrastructure to Snowshoe is all but impossible presently, even as it is, the largest employer and the economic engine of the area. From Philadelphia, where I am now residing, travel to Snowshoe is 7+ hours, I can be in New England in just a little over 5. Not even a fair competition....
I also looked with sadness when Snowshoe just about gave up on its marketing of four seasons entertainment, something which the present CEO is trying to reverse, but as in all corporate entities, there is a huge level of inertia to be overcome. They lost a huge revenue stream in the 24-hour races, the Symphony, you name it. These events were multimillion dollar winners and they affected the bottom line for both resort and home owner associations, as well as the local area. My hope is that Frank. the new CEO, is able to capitalize once again on the market.
/................. I moved to and invested in the valley area instead of the shoe which has it's own problems to solve. The valley's economy will be saved by corridor H, the t-line zip line and the customer/visitor base it'll bring. The shoe will continue to flounder because there is just no easy way to get there and they don't have a zip line anymore .
Back on topic and Fixed.
It will probably be the slowest Zip line around.
Will there be any Zip lines not appearing on the map?
It will probably be the slowest Zip line around.
Will there be any Zip lines not appearing on the map?
No, but whether the zip line is open or not will not be posted on T-Line's web site until 5 PM the next day. Unless Vic can come to the rescue again.
They may be diverting a chipmunk from one of the lifts to power the zip line.
...1 star---oh my god, how will I make it through the day...
Back up to three stars I see. Wonder how long that will last?
I was about to post something about whether Vic will include the zip line info on the daily report but looks like I got beat to it.
So is this thing supposed to be running this season? I say no half measures. Run it down the middle of WL and set up races between the zipliners and the skiers. Maybe throw in the snowmobilers as well so that all of TLine's fun winter activities can happen at the same time.
Haha, the zip one-liners are good.
To take things off topic again, I disagree that the Valley will automatically win out over Snowshoe just for ease of getting there from DC alone. Snowshoe is much more attractive to the casual skier in the DC area when compared to Timberline or Canaan because it feels more like a resort. A skiing family isn't going anywhere twice that Mom doesn't like, and Snowshoe wins the soccer mom battle of WV ski areas. The southerners love it, too. A family or group looking for a road trip rather than a trip out west tends to gravitate to Snowshoe over the Valley.
To take things off topic again, I disagree that the Valley will automatically win out over Snowshoe just for ease of getting there from DC alone. Snowshoe is much more attractive to the casual skier in the DC area when compared to Timberline or Canaan because it feels more like a resort. A skiing family isn't going anywhere twice that Mom doesn't like, and Snowshoe wins the soccer mom battle of WV ski areas. The southerners love it, too. A family or group looking for a road trip rather than a trip out west tends to gravitate to Snowshoe over the Valley.
I think that topic is worthy of it's own thread. Hint, hint.
Run it down the middle of WL and set up races between the zipliners and the skiers.
Races uphill or downhill? Uphill would be a battle for second, since the tele gang would dominate.
I wonder if Ski School would branch out into zip line instruction? Good market opportunity for PSIA.
Blowshoe made me find religion = thanking God every day that I got the he!! outta there. Mercy be on the poor Owners left there!
...From Fred on the official timberline facebook page---"Ziplines in place by Mid-October"
lets insult everyone
From the far south perspective, da shoe actually is easier to drive than the valley and I don't know if going all the way up to corridor Hell is going to help. I actually like the valley but another hour or two of extreme mountain driving is not enticing!
But look on the bright side. It would be real boring if we didn't have these imperfect places to complain about. Skiing is about adventure and they are all perfect in a foot or so of fresh powder. Let's get some snow on!
To take things off topic again, I disagree that the Valley will automatically win out over Snowshoe just for ease of getting there from DC alone. Snowshoe is much more attractive to the casual skier in the DC area when compared to Timberline or Canaan because it feels more like a resort. A skiing family isn't going anywhere twice that Mom doesn't like, and Snowshoe wins the soccer mom battle of WV ski areas. The southerners love it, too. A family or group looking for a road trip rather than a trip out west tends to gravitate to Snowshoe over the Valley.
I think that topic is worthy of it's own thread. Hint, hint.
My mama always said, "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." But since Pags wants us to spread the insults around, there's a reason why they didn't call Wintergreen...Winterwhite
Of course, that's talking strictly natural, they've since overcompensated with the awesome snowmaking system.
...I believe you maybe mispronouncing it--it is tslime w/ a long e(I think its a French Canadian pronounciation)...there are also the other affectionate resort names "massofnothing", "winterscene", and one of my favorites "icetail"...
damn, you're right I'm out of practice, too much time at the beach this summer. I knew it didn't sound right but I was in a hurry to leave. crap.
Haha, the zip one-liners are good.
To take things off topic again, I disagree that the Valley will automatically win out over Snowshoe just for ease of getting there from DC alone. Snowshoe is much more attractive to the casual skier in the DC area when compared to Timberline or Canaan because it feels more like a resort. A skiing family isn't going anywhere twice that Mom doesn't like, and Snowshoe wins the soccer mom battle of WV ski areas. The southerners love it, too. A family or group looking for a road trip rather than a trip out west tends to gravitate to Snowshoe over the Valley.
Every time I see people going on and on about Snowshoe, I think of this bit from _Night Court_
Judge Harry T. Stone: What are you folks doing here? I thought you went back home to West Virginia.
Bob Wheeler: Sir, we're not from West Virginia.
Judge Harry T. Stone: You're not?
June Wheeler: No, sir. We perjured ourselves.
Bob Wheeler: And we lied, too.
Judge Harry T. Stone: Why did you pick West Virginia?
Bob Wheeler: I don't know. It was the first exotic place that popped into my head.
posted by a resident of WV with slavic heritage
This thread has gone downhill fast. I think we need some fresh pow-pow to get us back on track but I do enjoy the humor. "icetail".... does remind me of someone I know and I'll leave it at that.
This thread has gone downhill fast.
The literal opposites to 'downhill fast' would be 'uphill slow'. It that doesn't get us back on topic for Timberline, I don't know what does.
Got an email from Tline:
"Zip Line is coming to Timberline. Construction begins on our zip line towers next week and we hope to have it open in October! The zip lines (4 total) will be over 1,000 feet long and travel over the slopes (and yes, they will be open during ski season - all year long!)."
I guess we'll be able to watch the installation of the zip line on Tline's webcam.
Wow...woke up this am and the gov't shut down...and something looks different on this site---but I can't quite put my finger in it...I was looking at a job yesterday and drove by tline to check out ziplines...still nothing more than survey steaks in the ground...no equipment or materials for their construction on site...there are a lot of rumors around the valley that the ziplines aren't going to happen...
Maybe they have been reading this thread and got a (hint-hint) subtle message that the zip-line project is really a xxx up idea from the start.
kwillg6 wrote:
Maybe they have been reading this thread and got a (hint-hint) subtle message that the zip-line project is really a xxx up idea from the start.
Come on now, you honestly believe that one thread on DCSki is enough to make T-line to do anything that makes sense? Do they even know about the internet?
wvrocks wrote:
Come on now, you honestly believe that one thread on DCSki is enough to make T-line to do anything that makes sense? Do they even know about the internet?
wvrocks wrote:
Come on now, you honestly believe that one thread on DCSki is enough to make T-line to do anything that makes sense? Do they even know about the internet?
I'm pretty sure that Freddie invented the interwebs...and don't doubt the power of DCSki...
You're thinkin' of Owl Gore.
yellowsnow wrote:
You're thinkin' of Owl Gore.
The inventor of Gore-Tex? Sorry, that was a bad joke...if you can even call it as such...
...looks like the towers are starting to go up...
Are they using the snow to construct the towers? I have to assume this will further delay opening day.
...towers are going up...they are taaaaalllll...
Tucker wrote:
...towers are going up...they are taaaaalllll...
Ouch!!! Hope the snowmobile drivers are alert!!!
The Colonel
Tucker, so you do own a camera. Need to break that thing out a little more often.
Here's some info on this weekend's snowmobile races. It also mentions that there will also be a race in April.
I also found a site that said that said there would be a motocross race on May 15-18, 2014 called the "Blackwater Motorcycle and Music Festival". The site says the race is sponsored by the City of Davis, Thomas, & Timberline.
Ziplines, snowmobile races, motocross races,......whats next? Mudbog racing or tractor pulls?
Is that tower in someone's yard or the Beginner's Teaching Area?
I think I remember the original post saying that the start of the zipline would be in the middle of the teaching area. Nice.
Must be mid-October already.....
Could they have made it more ugly?
scottyb wrote:
Could they have made it more ugly?
Yes. Could have a cell phone tower attached. Wait, better not give them any ideas...
jimmy wrote:
Is that tower in someone's yard or the Beginner's Teaching Area?
2 for 1 special? Beginner Lesson and Zip Line ride?
JohnL wrote:
jimmy wrote:
Is that tower in someone's yard or the Beginner's Teaching Area?
2 for 1 special? Beginner Lesson and Zip Line ride?
Strap your skis on at the top of the zip line, pull a release cord before you stop at the bottom of the zip line, hit the snow skiing.
They never asked adjacent property owners their opinion before erecting these eyesores. The house above the tower cost the owner a LOT of money. How would you like to look out your front windows and see that crap? I know Northwoods was never consulted either. They met the setbacks but that doesn't keep users from tresspassing. I forsee a lot of cars being towed for bandit parking in the future.
Maybe all we see is the metal frames and they will make them look pleasing to the mountain lovin eye down the road..wood shake siding...log cabin type stuff?..dunno..
guess they mean business when they change the billboard! and Athey replaced Ian as the coverboy.....(that was from one of ludovics pics goin off a jump high fivin someone on the lift at the luau)
the real shot:
Not much of a hill climb. Typically done on a slope like the drop, but little longer. What the heck, you gotta start somewhere. When you spin to a stop and start to worry about rolling when you try to turn around, then you know you are high marking.
been out of town and a bit curious...are the ziplines open or have they been working on them?
Things didn't look done when I was there on Thursday. The platform on the right side of the bottom tower hasn't been finished/started. No one was working on it either...
..stole this pic from the interweb, think it was taken yesterday...
Maybe they can send a Boy Scout or two down the line to knock down those giant icycles from on line when they blow snow.
Sure hope the giant icicles don't fall on folks in lift lines or skiing underneath.
The Colonel
I wonder if people will really come just to zip. Snow tubing offered a family alternative to those not quite risk taking or physically talented/able to ski all at same level. I think some skiers might do it once or twice, but depending on cost, I doubt it is something they do over and over again and probably more folks are scared of heights then anything, so it definitely won't be the family alternative. There's a place up in PA, name escapes me right now, that bills itself as sort of a high end outdoor adventure park. It costs a small fortune and I wonder if they are starting down that path and will add rafting, fly fishing, and other "adventures" in future. Right now those things are available in area, but maybe they are looking to become a one stop adventure place. The problem come when businesses start to diversify their product lines they often loose focus on their core capabilities. Particularly when there is not a lot of crossover. I think. It is possible, but requires clarity of leadership and communications, which based on posts in this forum, is iffy. I would think someone put a business case together on the zip line and are measuring themselves against the results, would be interesting to know if the are on or off track. Early results can often fade after the newness factor goes away.. This makes me think about one of my big complaints about Tline, it is so hard to go to the website and get a room and lift ticket package. It has been a while since I tried, but you have to work really hard to pull together a vacation plan if it is your destination. Most times when I go to valley, I use Canaan as my base, because it is just easier to look at my housing options. Tline needs a grand vision that is clear and concise where the entire workforce understands and buys into the direction and all aspects of the resort are building toward that plan. Maybe it is there and this is a first step toward the goal, but Right now it seems just like another disjointed idea.
Yes! The Zip line is Open!
For more information contact Timberline at 1-800-SNOWING.
Also, the first person to send us GoPro or other HD video of themselves zip lining get a free lift ticket* Just email us the link to an HD Youtube or Vimeo link and your contact information.
No * explanation at the bottom of the page, FWIW.
..don't know where you got that from...was over there today and the zipline is not open yet...they were still working on it today---loooked like they were dialing in the stopping mechanism, but not sure...heard that it was maybe going to open this coming weekend, but thats just hear/say...
Nice post Bumps.
It seems like the vision is to take the fact that they have a really sweet little ski area for granted.
Let someone build a zipline (tline doesn't own it), pi$$ off the surrounding homeowners, compromise the beginners teaching area and try to market this as a reason to visit. This thing is a novelty, not a real canopy tour or something that would be a stand alone attraction.
Bust ass making snow in November to be able to host a small group of people racing snowmobiles, then quit snowmaking completely and not be able to open the whole mountain until the week after MLK. Shortening the season by at least two weeks, potentially four.
We don't need no stopping thingamacallit!
Tline, the non visionary place that used to be a ski area till we screwed up the development and are now unmarketable. :-)
jimmy wrote:
open the whole mountain until the week after MLK. Shortening the season by at least two weeks, potentially four.
Wait, the whole mtn is finally open?!?!?
Tucker wrote:
..don't know where you got that from...was over there today and the zipline is not open yet...they were still working on it today---loooked like they were dialing in the stopping mechanism, but not sure...heard that it was maybe going to open this coming weekend, but thats just hear/say...
Straight from the ministry of disinformation: home page of the Timberline Resort web page. Maybe it was hacked by Eastern Europeans? But it is more fun to blame the French.
scottyb wrote:
jimmy wrote:
open the whole mountain until the week after MLK. Shortening the season by at least two weeks, potentially four.
Wait, the whole mtn is finally open?!?!?
Won't be long.
SCWVA wrote:
Tucker, so you do own a camera. Need to break that thing out a little more often.
Here's some info on this weekend's snowmobile races. It also mentions that there will also be a race in April.
I also found a site that said that said there would be a motocross race on May 15-18, 2014 called the "Blackwater Motorcycle and Music Festival". The site says the race is sponsored by the City of Davis, Thomas, & Timberline.
Ziplines, snowmobile races, motocross races,......whats next? Mudbog racing or tractor pulls?
Jimmy, does this address your snowmobile race question? I went to google for a search and typed in: dcski timberline snowmobiles
Well google, whoda think, thanks for not calling me stoopid :) .
Nice, thanks Jim.