Snowshoe is awesome today!
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December 19, 2003
Member since 09/27/2002 🔗
589 posts
Great conditions! We weren't expecting to have such snow: 6" Thur., 7" Thurs night, and who knows how much today. Its 3:30 and still snowing. Runs are powder for the most part, just a few spots where some of 'those' riders have scrapped the snow to the bottom of the steep.

I just want to comment on the new run layout here. They have widened some of the heavily traveled runs, gotten rid of a bunch of pass thrus and fenced off the Spruce Glades terrain park. The missing pass thrus can be disconcerting since we use those to travel from north to south across the basin side, so now its not so easy to get to Ballhooter lift. The run that used to be on the left side of terrain park is gone and is now incorporated into the park. All in all the improvements are good. The changes in the traffic patterns should help a lot in keeping the greenies from accidently straying onto blue runs.

Having lots of fun! Wish you were here!!!

December 19, 2003
My neighbors are up there for the 1st time.we live down in coastal se NC so i bet they are just wide eyed about right now! Thanks for the report.
December 19, 2003
Member since 01/1/2003 🔗
276 posts
Yeah, I just got back and it was INCREDIBLE. Cupp was great. Stay out of the middle and you could see HUGE amounts of powder in spots. You're right though, those overconfident skiers did scrape off the powder on the center of Ballhooter and some other runs but the sides were still awesome . Oh, watch the left side of Choker. I was cruisin in some AWESOME powder and then hit an unexpected chunk of ice hidden under the fresh snow. I couldn't breath for like 5 minutes. Probably got good applause from the lift riders but the snow guns were too loud to hear them...and i think i was a little out of it for a few seconds. The new layout does eliminate alot of that beginner popping out at the bottom of a fast blue or black slope problem. Knott Bumper had snow gun made "moguls" the size of a short bus...kinda fun.
December 22, 2003
The trail edges can hold treasure or treachery. Beware under those trail edge freshies can lie tree stumps, logs, rocks, entrapped tree limbs, snow guns, and death cookies. Keep your tips up, your eyes open, and ride responsibly.
lbotta - DCSki Supporter 
December 22, 2003
Member since 10/18/1999 🔗
1,535 posts
Snowshoe was goo-goo-ga-ga this weekend. I got there Friday and stayed till this morning (Monday)... I would say even better than late last year. Sunday was unbelievable... Got to 32 degrees, shining bright sun, and the afternoon was totally devoid of people. What a day!

Snow-wise is is unbeatable. The new lift tickets include night skiing too, and it was made retroactive for those of us with season passes.

The disappointing part, for those of us who enjoy the amenities other than the snow, has been the drop in service in the restaurants owned by Snowshoe. The two main privately owned places, Red Fox and Foxfire, maintain their excellent service and cuisine. If anyone wants to experience first-class service and food, go to the Red Fox. However, the Intrawest-owned restaurants have become expensive McDonalds.

December 22, 2003
Member since 09/27/2002 🔗
589 posts
Sad to say, I agree with -lbotta- on the food sevice conditions at Snowshoe. Other than the 2 excellent mentioned 'foxes' the food has gone from expensive and barely mediocre to very expensive and poor. Service is totally lacking and at least one establishment seems to being run by KFC management rejects. We bring a lot of our own food with us but save a couple of evenings for the innovative and delicious goodies at Foxfire and gourmet treats and wines at Red Fox.

I feel for all those people up there for the holidays. It was starting to reach 'zoo' status when we left SS at noon today. I wonder where they are all going to eat? My crystal ball sees a whole lot of hungry, unhappy people.

December 22, 2003
Member since 01/1/2003 🔗
276 posts
I've always liked the Junction OK. Its a little expensive but definitely good food every time I've been there. Cheat Mountain Pizza struggles to even keep crust in stock sometimes. The good news is that Friday when i was there i only paid 1.25 for a coffee down at the boathouse. Not at all rediculous like one would expect. I think a cup of soup there was about 25 bucks though

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