If you are cheap like me and can't justify purchasing a go-pro woot.com is selling a goggle camera today for $100. http://electronics.woot.com/offers/liquid-image-hd-offroad-goggle-camcorder-15?ref=cnt_wp_0_2
They probably are not as nice as your normal goggles and they probably are not as good as a normal gopro, but at that price it is hard to beat!
AndyGene wrote:
If you are cheap like me and can't justify purchasing a go-pro woot.com is selling a goggle camera today for $100. http://electronics.woot.com/offers/liquid-image-hd-offroad-goggle-camcorder-15?ref=cnt_wp_0_2
They probably are not as nice as your normal goggles and they probably are not as good as a normal gopro, but at that price it is hard to beat!
Well, AndyGene, I've avoided any kind of helmet cam (not my thing) but couldn't resist the offer you posted from Woot. My interest is in taking videos of the passing scenery as I ski down. Will see how Woot -- and this setup -- works. Thanks for the heads-up.
It appears that item is sold out on that site. Looks cool though!
Woot is a "deal a day" website. They buy products in bulk, and sell them for 24 hours. After 24 hours you can not order them any more, and a new product is offered for sale. I had to pass on them myself. Between Christmas, property taxes being due, an upcoming trip to Winter Park and a huge unexpected vet bill I didn't think that was a wise use of my excess funds.
Woody, please let me know if you like the product.
I hadn't hear of that site before. Thanks