Taking my kids (10 and 8) on Friday for our first trip of the season - they have a day off for teacher training so I'm hoping I can beat some crowds. They did a learner day at Roundtop two years ago and 2-days at Canaan last year with a 2-hour lesson. They did great and had a blast. Should have gone out one more time in the season but schedules got crazy. Hopefully after some warm ups this year, they'll pick up where they left off. I don't want to push them but if they're ready to try out some blues, I want to be at a place that has some good transition runs to get them over the mental hump.
Of the local three (whitetail, liberty, Roundtop) which ones do you think would give me the best options and variety? Fortunately, the snow should be in good shape as weather looks to be cold all week for them to be blowing new stuff.
Since we get out so infrequently, I'm wondering if having them take another short lesson wouldn't be a bad idea either (selfishly, it also gives me a little window to do some runs on my own, of course!)
Thanks in advance.
I'm personally a huge fan of the backside blues at liberty. If they are just beginning they are a bit shorter (and not quite as steep) than whitetail as well as have more variation. Also, if they are just beginning the high speed lift at whitetail that serves the blues is a very quick way to get tired out. I also think the ones at liberty are north facing (not positive) and seem to have the most consistent conditions.
Now next year if you want to take them out to run laps on blue runs... whitetail on a weekday with a high speed quad is the place to go, but for beginners I would suggest liberty.
As a side note I've been to Roundtop only once (furthest from my house) so I can't really say much about the terrain there, but I have quite a few days at Liberty and Whitetail and enjoy both resorts.
Welcome to the forum:) i would say WT longest blues( amd the easiest if that whats float your boat) Lear to ski month at all of the three. Whitetail can get crowded so you have been warned... I like RT fun runs and less lines. Shortest trails though and it's far from dc either way you will have fun. Enjoy
Enormous Fairfax County, VA and perhaps other districts are off on Jan 30. If the conditions are decent that means Liberty and Whitetail will be mobbed. I've experienced this first hand. Suggest Bryce Mtn, VA. Almost as close to the Beltway, never crowded. Three or four good little blue runs. One base area and easy to reconnect. Great family atmosphere. Closeby parking. Moderate prices. If you decide to go out to Canaan Valley it will also be very light.
JimK wrote:
Enormous Fairfax County, VA and perhaps other districts are off on Jan 30. If the conditions are decent that means Liberty and Whitetail will be mobbed. I've experienced this first hand. Suggest Bryce Mtn, VA. Almost as close to the Beltway, never crowded. Three or four good little blue runs. One base area and easy to reconnect. Great family atmosphere. Closeby parking. Moderate prices. If you decide to go out to Canaan Valley it will also be very light.
Bryce did not even come to mind! Great idea!
My kids are on the same infequent skiing long learning curve. Beginning the day with a lesson each time until they can ski blues is recommended. I'll second JimK's advice that less crowded is better than ideal slope or length when kids are learning. Having tons of people buzzing by you and not giving you the turn choices you'd prefer makes it a LOT harder to advance to tougher terrain than just skiing something a little harder or longer alone with dad/mom.
We're alexandria schools. I hadn't thought to check fairfax. At least Montgomery isn't out. Our first day at Roundtop two years ago, I didn't realize PA and DE both had state-wide days off. That was not fun!
Regardless, it will be better than a Saturday.
I'll check out all of your suggestions. Thx much...