I think it was BlueDon who set up a web site last year that we could use to access the web cams of most east coast resorts. I think it may have been called "SnowCamsEast" of something like that. It seems that web site is no longer available.
BlueDon - can you get that web site back up and running? It was very usefull.
I can't remember the website he often posts, but until he can update us.... I use this one http://www.resortcams.com/ski-cams/
snowsmith wrote:
BlueDon - can you get that web site back up and running? It was very usefull.
Let me see what I can do. I let it expire to focus on some Snowshoe stuff.
If you decide get Snow Cams East up and runing again . . . Wisp has a new webcam.
Snowguns are on tonight!
Sincraft wrote:
Looking at the 7springs and hv webcams, many times, i noticed they arent making snow other than one or two spots and only every other gun is on? Its almost as if they really arent trying but know they must appear to be trying. ...
I'm not sure where you get that from. Looks like an all-out assault on snowmaking to me.
The snowmakers at Seven Springs and other local resorts know what they're doing and they're trying to open as quickly as they can. From a business standpoint, there are many variables they must juggle and it's a huge challenge this season so far -- probably one of the most challenging seasons on record. I don't envy any of them. Perhaps we shouldn't armchair-nitpick them?
Scott wrote:
Sincraft wrote:
Looking at the 7springs and hv webcams, many times, i noticed they arent making snow other than one or two spots and only every other gun is on? Its almost as if they really arent trying but know they must appear to be trying. ...I'm not sure where you get that from. Looks like an all-out assault on snowmaking to me.
The snowmakers at Seven Springs and other local resorts know what they're doing and they're trying to open as quickly as they can. From a business standpoint, there are many variables they must juggle and it's a huge challenge this season so far -- probably one of the most challenging seasons on record. I don't envy any of them. Perhaps we shouldn't armchair-nitpick them?
Antoine wrote:
Scott wrote:
Sincraft wrote:
Looking at the 7springs and hv webcams, many times, i noticed they arent making snow other than one or two spots and only every other gun is on? Its almost as if they really arent trying but know they must appear to be trying. ...I'm not sure where you get that from. Looks like an all-out assault on snowmaking to me.
Its also worth noting that they picked up some naturel snow.
snowsmith wrote:
I think it was BlueDon who set up a web site last year that we could use to access the web cams of most east coast resorts. I think it may have been called "SnowCamsEast" of something like that. It seems that web site is no longer available.
BlueDon - can you get that web site back up and running? It was very usefull.
I finally found the old template of SNOWCAMSEAST. It may need some updates but have at it!
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