New Hampshire seems to have been a state where the ski areas have done a real good job of collective marketing and improvement. Isn't/wasn't there some sort of "Ski 93" marketing group? I thought Dan Egan was the head of it before he started working at Tenney Mountain. Maybe the DC areas can form a similar initiative. A new Tory Mountain, MPC (??), capital flowing into T-Line, and a re-opened Laurel Mountain and the Allegheney front could become a local destination area. It be great as long as all the tourists went to Wisp, Seven Springs and Snowshoe.

John, what areas have you been to in New Hampshire? Even though I've skied 10+ areas in Vermont, I've yet to ski New Hampshire. Cannon and Wildcat seem right up my alley.
From Cannon's current trail map, looks like the Mitterskill base has been re-opened. Does anyone know how high up the ridge the old trails were cut? From the trail map, looks like the new trails only go part way up the mountain compared to where the old ones may have been. (Just a guess on my part.) Denis, seems like you would know.