Despite the current temps, NOAA has snow in the forecast this weekend for snowshoe and some other high elevation areas in the mid Atlantic, not really the weather for snowmaking, but might be cold enough to test/generate some press
Snowshoe Oct 19, 2014 - and that was a good season
Northern hemisphere snow cover extent is Sooooo much above normal...Arctic Ice was on a record pace of growth up till a few days ago and should pick it back up soon... Ps...please do not try to verify thru main stream will be depressed with the loss of polar bears..caribu..and eskimos...
By the way, for any who might not be aware, Mt. Michell is the highest peak east of the Mississippi River in the US l!
Looks like radar around snowshoe is showing snow in places.
freinds of wg fb group hasa picture of snow... radar is showing snow in pa just north of blue knob.
According to my web camera, 11 am and there is still snow on the ground at SS
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