Laurel Mountain State Park Volunteer Days
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Laurel Hill Crazie
September 4, 2017 (edited September 4, 2017)
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,052 posts

With the cooperation of the Pennsylvania State Parks, the Support Laurel Mountain group will conduct three glade and trail clearing days this fall. The first day is September 23, that's a Saturday. The next two are October Sundays. October 15 and 29. Sunday work days do not conflict with the Steelers schedule. Meet at the ski area at the Laurel Lodge at 9 AM and clear the old glade between Broadway and Lincoln Highway (the old quad chairlift line). Next, we will brush back Dream Highway and work on tree runs to skier's right of Lower Broadway down to Hegan's cut....time permitting. Register at the day of the event. Snowboard giveaway courtesy EastBound Snowboards.  More door-prizes maybe added later. Do you have a donation? 

For more details follow this link and join our Facebook Group: Support Laurel Mountain State Park 

Work day details and schedule:

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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