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September 30, 2004
Member since 09/30/2004 🔗
1 posts
Teter signed on dotted line..........SOLD......
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
September 30, 2004
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,570 posts
Now I guess the environmental fight begins.

Is there one more property (out of five) Mr. Bright needs to get an option on / buy?
September 30, 2004
Member since 03/6/2004 🔗
175 posts
Where is the proof?
October 4, 2004
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Still in the pudding?
October 4, 2004
Member since 03/6/2004 🔗
175 posts
I talked to some of the local people from up there & asked them about the signing.They could not confirm this allthough they said it was just a matter of time.there was a mention of a hoffman fam that would have to sign also.As far as tory goes they said that the only thing that they could tell me was that the firm that bought the place were loggers from way back & that was what they were doing,but said anything was possible down the road.I guess nothing new there.Any way assforfun or whatever that posters name was is not following up.
Roger Z
October 4, 2004
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Andy have you confirmed whether Bill Bright is going to put that statue of you at the top of MPC, like John L was talking about last year? Maybe asunvfun knows something about that, too...
October 4, 2004
Member since 03/6/2004 🔗
175 posts
Bill bright has offered but the PITAS are afraid that my statue might frighten off the salamanders.+ they are afraid that it might attract pidgeons from the city which are not native to the area!whats the formula on this one...asnvfun=?
October 5, 2004
Member since 01/25/2002 🔗
316 posts


Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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