My DC Commuter Skier preview
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DCSki Sponsor: Massanutten Resort
wfyurasko - DCSki Supporter 
November 16, 2018 (edited November 16, 2018)
Member since 07/27/2014 🔗
356 posts

Don't hate winter, use it

That's what I have started telling people who dread the winter months. I don't like less daylight and sunshine either, but I love skiing and broomball.

Every year, I publish a preview on my blog of the season from my perspective, a day-tripper who hopes to get out more than once a year. 

2018-2019 DC Commuter Skier preview

I give my take on the places I have skied in the last decade or so, point eveyone to this site and others and include inspirational videos and an extensive twitter list of Mid-Atlantic ski areas, shops, sites, etc.

Most of all, don't be this guy:

wfyurasko - DCSki Supporter 
November 24, 2018
Member since 07/27/2014 🔗
356 posts

I have also put together a landing page with a map of all the daytrips I've made to Mid-Atlantic ski areas since 2007. I also embedded my twitter list of Mid-Atlantic ski areas (and a little more).

November 27, 2018
Member since 03/4/2017 🔗
4 posts

Nice site. Winter is indeed here. One point of contention: I always have tons of respect for *that guy* wearing 20 year old skis with no sidecut. That respect turns into adoration if I can see that his planks are greater than 200cm long. Last year I saw a bro on some classic Atomic ARC 210s aka the (Red Sleds) up at Liberty. I acted like I knew him so that he could cut me in the lift line. And then later I'll bought him a beer at the lodge. 

November 27, 2018
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts

Mellish wrote:

...I always have tons of respesct for *that guy* wearing 20 year old skis with no sidecut. ...

RIGHT! Ya man! I used to ski on 210 Pre M6's and 207 TNCs - ha ha still i break out the old-school ski sometimes this is a pair of 2006 170cm Volkl Dragon Slayers - I so can't rock them like I used to but there is something to be said about working skis like that. i still think about what Warren Witherell had in his book - you have to lure them into the turn ... so much fun to have to do that.

pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
November 28, 2018
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
933 posts

man - that 2006 Volkyl is not old school.  those have a ton of side cut.  A good friend of mine gifted me a pair of K2 Comps that I actually do enjoy using if conditions are good.  It's more hopping than carving but I kind of like that, and I'm not going max speed or anything like that.  

wfyurasko - DCSki Supporter 
November 29, 2018
Member since 07/27/2014 🔗
356 posts

Glad you like the site - I always enjoy putting the ski preview together.

My friend hadn't gotten his skis waxed or sharpened in the 21st century and it showed. He struggled that day, but at least he saved $28. I mostly put that in to rib him about it.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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