Question about using kick wax on my tech set up
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kemperski - DCSki Supporter 
December 3, 2018
Member since 11/10/2013 🔗
228 posts

This question is based partly on my inability to justify getting a pair of Voile BC (would like the V6) skis but being frustrated when I need to take off and reapply skins during simple point A to B tours to get to a new spot after my main ascent.


For example, on my Dynastar Chams with Dynafit bindings I just skin from the WG lodge up to roundtop or from the pipeline saddle by CVR up to bald knob, then rip skins and head down but sometimes I get disoriented (no really) or just want to scoot around to another zone.

If I applied kick wax could i move up the moderate parts of the trail system without having to reapply skins?

December 3, 2018
Member since 01/30/2005 🔗
660 posts

Chaga can set us straight for sure. I think the camber of Chams isn't the same as the camber on waxless Voiles and such. Might make climbing easier? And drag more on the flats/descents?

December 4, 2018 (edited December 4, 2018)
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
646 posts

camp wrote:

Chaga can set us straight for sure. I think the camber of Chams isn't the same as the camber on waxless Voiles and such. Might make climbing easier? And drag more on the flats/descents?

I don't know about that, other than saying that skins are a waste of time at WG. Voile vector BC have scales and climb awesome and you can get around way easier without messing with skins ever. If you have skins and ski with a group of people with scales you are gonna get left behind very fast when they wanna go traverse over to hit 300' vert pitch, then go back up 100' and hit another vert pitch, etc etc.   Technically you can put skins on them if you are skiing on a big mountain with other folks with skins.  For me, they are 'powder specific boards' (and good for low snow meadow skipping like junk boards)  in my opinion. I hate them on hardpack at the downhill resorts and too big and clunky for groomed trails at WG. 

December 4, 2018
Member since 01/30/2005 🔗
660 posts

chaga wrote:

....I hate them on hardpack at the downhill resorts and too big and clunky for groomed trails at WG. 

You hate which? Skins? or Chams?

Skins sucked for me at WG. I did it once with Tomi starting the day from the CV/Bald lot. Changed back to waxless as soon as possible after lunch. My virgin trip to WG I was on snowshoes/snowboard - way worse than skins.

kemperski - DCSki Supporter 
December 4, 2018
Member since 11/10/2013 🔗
228 posts

Some voile vectors or v6 would be ideal but theyre expensive new and rarely come up used

So i'm wondering if putting kick wax on what are basically my rock skis would allow for low angle climbing, if I could get some locally i'd slap it on and experiment on groomers at Beech my first day of the season this friday

December 4, 2018
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
646 posts

kemperski wrote:

Some voile vectors or v6 would be ideal but theyre expensive new and rarely come up used

So i'm wondering if putting kick wax on what are basically my rock skis would allow for low angle climbing, if I could get some locally i'd slap it on and experiment on groomers at Beech my first day of the season this friday

I wouldn't mess with kick wax, they are too temperature dependent unless you only used klister. A much easier thing would be If you have some cutoffs of old skins you can just slap a patch of the skins like 12-18" under your kick zone and be fine for low angle climbing.  


camp: was saying i hate the really fat skis on hardpack. I don't have a very psia worthy turn style so those fats are harder for me to get on edge!  

kemperski - DCSki Supporter 
December 6, 2018
Member since 11/10/2013 🔗
228 posts

Thanks Chaga.  Good feedback but not what I wanted to hear ... what? no silver bullet?   


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