Adam Macks reports that there used to be a ski area named Chadds Peak in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, about 45 minutes south of Philadelphia, just off of Route 1. According to Adam, the area had a vertical of 200-300 feet, with two trails. One trail went to the top, and another beginner trail went about 1/3 of the way up the hill. The beginner trail had a rope tow, while the main trail had a Poma and a rope tow. Adam skied at the area in the late 1970’s. The area is believed to have shut down in the 1980’s.
In the spring of 2006, DCSki Reader Joshua P. visited Chadds Peak and shot the following two photos from McFadden Road, by an old barn. “The vertical appeared to be more like 150 feet, plus or minus,” Joshua wrote. “You can sort of see some overgrown trails.”
In October, 2006, DCSki heard from Marie Paciaroni, who started Chadds Peak with her late husband Richard in 1963. Marie writes:
Marie said that she welcomes e-mail from long lost friends; her e-mail address is
In January, 2009, John Broom provided the following five photos to DCSki, which were taken at Chadds Peak in February, 1969. “We loved that place in the late 1960’s,” John writes.
The old Chadds Peak ski area was located on Rt 1, in Chadds Ford, Pa., approx. 30 miles south of Philadelphia. I live about ten miles from the ski area, and skied there often as a teen, and many week nights after work in my twenties. My wife worked at the snack counter when she was in high school. The lodge and ski rental shop was a converted barn. It was very small, only three runs, I think, two rope tows and later a poma, a few snow guns and a groomer. I was told it succumed to developers after a few warm winters in a row, but the original farm house and barn are still intact. I drive by several times a month, I'll try to stop and ask if I can look around and maybe take some pics, it's not a place you can sneek into, the entrance was the old farms driveway,and there are now houses all around. It was a great place to learn to ski, with a fairly constant pitch, but the runs were rather short. Sometimes I would meet some friends there on week nights after work and we would be the only ones there;we'd be skiing with the instructers, patrollers and even the rope tow operator. We'd ski a few hours,hit a local spot for dinner and then go home to sleep, it was a great way to unwind after work. I wish it was still open, I'd have season passes for my daughters.
When I was a growing up in the late 60's, my mother cleaned house for the family that owned Chadds Peak. I use to sit in the window and watch the skiers on the two runs.
In the 5th or 6th grade, I went on a school trip with two other friends to Chadds Peak. When we were almost finished with the lesson, we watched M.N. fall and break his leg in three places.
Del Farrell
Hey there all. I use to rent the property that use to be Chads Peak. It was 1992-1994, me and four guys rented the propery. It sits on 32 acres, had a comercial size swimming pool at the front, the huge two story U-Shaped barn that use to be the ski rental, snack bar area. The skis and boots where still in piles in the barn, rusted from long ago days. There was also the main house, which we lived in. It was a classic old Farm house, in it's day i bet it was sweet. By the time we took over it was in disrepar. Anyhow we rented the property for two years, we were in our 20's and had all sorts of fun on the property. Threw one big farm concert called Peak Fest, gave out ski lift tickets for admission, had over 300 folks thru the gate, three bands, full spead of food and 14 kegs....Summer we cut a baseball field in the upper lot fields and also drained the pool for skateboarding. Great summers and the best winters...and to King Richard, who owns the farm to the south, this ones for you!!
They were going to develop the farm, but the township stoped it. It is currently privately owned and the barn has been renovated by the owner and is used for his business.
The good ole days of Chads Peak...Great time in my life.
I learned how to ski at Chadds Peak. Every Friday for like 5 years when I was very young, my mom would drop my sister and I off after she was finished teaching, and then my dad would come pick us up after he finished working. It was a great place to learn how to ski, although I remember that it basically had two trails as one was always closed due to lack of snow. I remember how cool I thought I was when I moved from the rope tow to the poma lift! After my lesson, there usually was about a half hour or so until my dad showed up, and I would never have to wait in line to ride the lift--people would just let me in up front because I was so little (4 years old). Good times at Chadds Peak.
I learned to ski at Chadds Peak when I was 12 years old. We had season passes and used to go there after school to ski. The people who lived in the Chadds Ford Knoll used to ski out of their back yards and down the hill. We called Chadds Peak by some nicknames - Chadds Pimple and Chadds Bump.
Chadds Peak was an awesome spot. It was a perfect place to keep your skills sharp without trekking all the way to the Poconos (or New England). They had a high school race league competing on weekday afternoons in Jan and Feb. They enlisted about 25 of the closest high schools to join the league. The "racing pass" cost about $40 in 1975-1977. The area would set up a slalom course with about 15 or 16 gates. A good time through the average course was 16-18 seconds. It was a lot of fun.....state of the art timers and all would make it a pretty good race experience. Chadds Peak was owned by the Paciaroni family. The Paciaroni boys (and the Neals from the adjoining subdivision) all attended Salesianum School in Wilmington, De. so naturally Salesianum was a powerhouse in the ski race league. Chadds Peak had pretty good snowmaking capability. Every time the temp hit 27 degrees or so they'd have the snowmakers blowing. It was an awesome place and I'm bummed out to hear that it is no longer in use as a Ski Area.
Chadds Peak was where I learned my quasi-Olympic ski skills. Nothing like burning down the hill on your Hexcels after a couple Genny Cream Ales.
It was really fun to see this web site. Hey Paul! Anyway, I grew up in the Knoll and have some trivia to share. About a year or two before Chadds Peak opened, a "Mr Dewey" built a rope tow in his back yard on a similar-sized hill from Stirling Way down to Hillendale Road. He used the drive wheel of a Cub Cadet tractor to power the rope and it was a blast. I used to sled with the Conner kids and get back up the hill on the rope. He had to stop because of insurance, but I believe the Chadds Peak owners saw and loved the idea. I built a number of tree houses around the top of Chadds Peak and even enjoyed a few midnight sledding runs. I didn't start skiing until my twenties long after I moved away. I wish my parents let me learn at Chadds Peak. It really was a cool place.
Ah yes, the place where it all began. I raced there for Salesianum in the early 80's. Steve Eid, Dave Terranova, and the Ursuline crowd. What a hoot. My brothers raced there too for St. Marks. I remember one race was so warm we had to use soap instead of wax. To see Charlie Cericola go backwards down the beginner hill over and over and over... I'm proud to say I went on to race in college and after I moved to Colorado. It all started at Chadd's Peak. In the spirit of the Winter Olympic Games which began yesterday, I pulled out some old memories for my kids and Google'd this site in the hopes they too will enjoy skiing for a lifetime. Amazing what a little spark can do. R.I.P. Chadd's Peak. We'll miss you.
I believe that my first time on skis was at Chadds Peak in the mid 70's. I do not remember much except the rope tows and the barns. I grew up in Chadds Ford and really learned to ski in the Poconos. I have been in the ski industry since I graduated from the University of Vermont in 1989. I now work as a patroller at Snowbird. Interestingly enough, one of the lead tram operators skied at Chadds Peak as well.
In the late 70's and early 80's I use to volunteer as a National Ski Patroller at Chadds Peak. Since then I have patrolled at a few other areas and I am now at Big Boulder Ski Area in the Pocono Mtns. I have great memories of "Chadds Pimple" as we use to call it. It was a great place to meet others close to home, and the Ski Patrol was very friendly. I remember when an asian doctor had the place for awhile, and he made good soup and egg rolls (which he would give us for volunteering (nice folks). I oftem would want to stop by when I am in the area, and see what the area looks like now. One night while at a pub near Hunter Mtn. in New York I was in the mens room (getting rid of some beer I rented) and looking at an old map in front of the "appliance". On the map was a few "larger" ski areas in the USA, and there in S.e. PA was Chadds Peak! I really miss those days, and wish we had more small areas like Chadds around for kids, youth, and familes to enjoy. If anyone has any pictures, please respond (I would love to see them). Tery
Would love to know exactly where this place was. I drive through Chadds ford several times a week on Rte 1 and Rte 100. Never skied there but I remember hearing about it in the 70's. Didn't start skiing myself until the 90's.
Would love to know exactly where this place was. I drive through Chadds ford several times a week on Rte 1 and Rte 100. Never skied there but I remember hearing about it in the 70's. Didn't start skiing myself until the 90's.
I learned to ski at the PEAK. I perfected my skills and became a Ski Instructor, where I taught many children how to SKI. What a time, What a place - so many great winter nights, and so many awesome winter days spent. Too bad, the kids today don't have the chance we lucky few had! I also raced that course forementioned - did it really only take 14-seconds? We (ski instructors) chat once in awhile and all conclude - Chadds Peak remains in our memories and will live forever there!!!!
Hey Chuck - Chadds PEak was accross from the restaurant today is The Gables - and turn down the road accross the street - the ski area was less than a mile from route 1. There is a tavern across from The Gables - called Reyburn Tavern, that is the road, there was a gravel drive that took you into the property. I wonder if anyone has photographs, I have a few.
I learned to ski at Chadds Peak in the early 80's and continued to ski there until it closed around 87' or 88'. I'm from the Wilmington/Hockessin area and it was about a twenty minute drive. It was alot of fun when conditions cooperated. I had always heard that they built houses on the property so out of curiousity I went to check it out. Chadds is located off of route 1 going North before you get to the Chadds Ford Knoll Neighborhood and Brandywine Creek. The road you turn off on is Old Baltimore?? On a map or aerial view it looks like Mcfadden road is the old entrance. However, the entrance is a cinder driveway that ends at the old barn that is now converted to the Dewson construction company building. I can confirm that there are no houses actually on the old ski area. It is greatly overgrown and not easy to imagine a ski hill there. I could actually see a few of the shacks/lift stations and possibly one of the turn arounds from the beginner hill rope tow. The old Poma lift line can be made out if you know what your looking for. If you've never been there, you wouldn't know what you were looking at. I had always thought that the area had a vertical of about 200 ft but that was optimistic. I actally found some data on a chairlift website that listed the Chadds peak Heron Poma as being 607Ft long with a vertical rise of 121 feet. If you play around with the math as I did, that is a fairly nice pitch for a ski run. 121 feet seemed a little low so I checked out every topo map, terraserver and google earth. They all confirm that the top elevation( which is in the backyard of the 4th house from the turn in Chadds Ford Knoll is about 325ft/-. The bottom of the hill is about 220Ft.I remember the big barn/lodge was above the bottom of the hill and you had to walk down and cross a creek to get to the rope tow or Poma. Man do I have great memories of that place. I'm approching my mid thirties now and consider myself a decent skier and I will say that some of the best skiers I have ever seen were at Chadds in the mid eighties. I kid with my wife about retiring in New England in 20 years. If I'm able, I would love to find a little hill to build a house on and rig some type of rope tow. In all my years of being interested in ski area info, I've never come across any real info on Chadds(maps,vertical..whatever) If anyone out there has any photos, I would love to see them
My girlfriend and I went to visit her parents in unionville, chester county. Since we were close to Chadds Ford , and I remember seeing this lost area on the web, we took a cruise down to see it, being that the season is over, and its time to mourn. Being that I wasn't from the area I didn't get too close to it, but went down Mcfadden road, and took some pics. The lane down right to it is private, so we didn't want to upset anyone. We had a good view from where we were, looked like a nice little hill.
When my kids were in school, I often went to Chadds Peak on Ladies' Day - I think it was Tuesday - and skied all morning for about $4. Leaving right after the school bus departed, I could be there, take a lesson, and be home when the bus arrived again.
The rope tow was priceless! Usually deep ruts, valleys and peaks formed where the tracks should have been. The ride up was more exciting and difficult than coming down!
This small but wonderful ski area provided day care in a large converted barn, with a big picture window facing the hill. My two sons who were preschool age still remember seeing me come down the hill, (with varying degrees of expertise).
The local high school also had races and practices there in the evenings. Son Matthew was the Salesianum coach and occasionally I was called upon to help transport the team there. Of course, I took advantage of the opportunity and tried night skiing.
It is sad to drive by what used to be the entrance, and think of how much skiing has changed.
I'm so glad to find this website. I've never been to Chadds Peake, but I do remember seeing the sign from route one. Thank you for posting the directions; I've often wondered where it was located.
Can someone post their pictures? Both the old ones and the recent ones? Thanks.
Sitting in Colorado we could not resist to add our two cents. Chadds Peak - aka 'Switzerland in your backyard' - was a great place. From racing our 12 gate salom course to teaching newbies to ski in Siberia, Chadds was a great time. Happy to report that 20 years later we still maintain friendship with a number of folks from the Chadds era. Dave now lives in Steamboat and Stephen is in Gerneva, Switzerland. Life's short, ski fast.
Heckman, Kelly, Hudson, Mike G, Steve E, Hotsie, Will, and how about those crazy Asians who ran the place and sold egg rolls in the snack bar. Spademan bindings, teaching from sun up to sun down for little crazy tickets. SKIERJ.......oh please. Special Olympics (you guys know what we called them) Heckman getting his noggin cracked open by a runaway Special Olympian - "No Jeff we are not at the Beach" in the emergency room. Ski area letters to Elk Mountain, mucho drinking in Newark, and Chadds Ford. Those stupid red pullover wind breakers or how about the grey and black pullover ski school jackets. Stretch pants!
20 years of ski teaching later and that place still cracks me up.
Yohe - Stowe/Nantucket
Wow, what a delight reading these comments about my old house! My name is Joe Paciaroni and my mother and father Marie and Dick Paciaroni built Chadds Peak. I grew up there, skiing every day after school, and have many fond memories of the place. It was located off Old Route 1, halfway up the hill on 32 acres of land. In the summer it was known as Willow Brook Day Camp where my parents held day camp in the 60s. At one time we had the largest full time ski instructor staff on the East Coast because of all the teaching we would do as school groups, churches, scouting, colleges, etc would come. I could go on and on, especially as I read stories from my old friends that I used to race with, people that lived in Chadds Ford Knoll, and people who used to work there. I will post some more information soon. Keep those comments coming and I will try to answer any questions that anyone wants to ask me. Thanks Scott for hosting this great site.
This is too cool. So many memories of the "pimple", "mogle" or what ever else they called it. Oh, by the way, my come back for that teasing was always, "I'm sorry, does your dad own a ski area?"!!!!, lol. My dad was a true entrepreneur. Sorry to say, he died 10 years ago. You can't imagine what it was like to grow up on a place like this. We had a pool, tennis court, pond with boats, baseball field, basketball and a lot of "friends". I am soooo proud to read the comments from everyone here. I used to get so much greif from people about how small the place was. I think my dad's place exposed many people to the joys of skiing. I loved cutting the line and people would yell at the attendant, "hey, does that kid think he owns the place?" "yeh he does" Sweet! I will dig up some great old photos and post ASAP. By the way, my brother Joe got all the hot babes and I got the crumbs.
It's fascinating to stumble on all this Peak history. I had no idea!
I experienced the majesty of Chadds Bump in the late 70s and early 80s, and had many fun (and quick) times there. I think the funniest memory for me was the flyer that said something along the lines of, "Like Switzerland, only nearer." I had learned to ski in Switz. But after leaving Europe to a potential ski wasteland it was a blast to have a place to ski so close to home. Short runs are way better than no runs.
In the early 80's in high school we raced slalom on the Peak against other area schools. I got to learn some racing skills; it was great. The races were very short/quick, so every move mattered. Unionville dominated. Well, i guess we should have, since the place was within our district.
I was sorry to hear the place faded away. It always seemed so thriving, happenin'. Then again, time marches on and so does development and global warming.
What a surprise, finding this website!I am Peter Strobel, and 42 years ago I started the Chadds Peak ski school with a handful of instructors. Richard Paciaroni and I went to many area schools and colleges to promote skiing and later a racing program, which was very successful. It gave so many youngsters an opportunity to get started in this great sport.
We constantly kept improving the area. Countless hours of hard work and Richard's dedication to making his dream a reality, motivated everyone working there. He would be on his bulldozer carving out the liftline for the new Poma, while I was bolting together all the parts to be mounted. I spent many freezing nights helping the snowmakers, or crouched on a lift tower to make adjustments or driving the snowcat.
One Spring I built dormitories and a snackbar inside the beautiful old Dutch barn, which we then used for a children's summer camp.
This were the good old times, making a lifetime of wonderful memories!
I work for the Daily Local News in West Chester and am starting work on a story on the Peak. I'm only 24, but an avid snowboarder, and have heard lots of stories about the old peak. I would like to talk to anyone that has memories or would want to share anything with me. I can be reached at
I am enjoying reading the comments and thought I would share my one and only experience.
In 1970, I was in 10th grade. One particular cold Sunday morning, I decided to skip church, in order to join the Explorer Scouts from the Ridley Park area, for a day of skiing on the peak.
It was my first time navigating the ski's, with the tow rope. As I finally got positioned mid-way on the beginner's slope, I proceeded, without any instruction, to go downhill in the "snowplow" position.
Needless, to say my ski tips crossed, bindings did not release and I fell down, breaking my leg so bad (someone in the ski lodge said it was a bad sprain--ha!), that it required 3 pins to set it straight. I was taken home and waited for my family to return from church. That was family moment for sure.
Well, believe it or not my downhill ski career began here at Chadds Peak. In the late 70's, I went to the Pacific NW and skied my legs off in the Cascade Mountains for 15 years before returning to Chester County.
I moved to Chadds Ford in 1986 from San Jose California. I was 10. I was not used to snow and thought a chair lift that I'd seen elsewhere was a ride you'd see at an amusement park! Well I never got to ski here but it piqued my curiousity and in high school I finally learned how to ski. I've only been to only a handful of places like Doe Mountain, Shawnee Mountain in the Poconos and Winterplace in West Virginia, in college (it was hard for me to enjoy spending so much time outside in 'frigid' conditions). Then I moved to Philly and became more of an urban person and abandoned skiing but I've been thinking of trying it again this winter.
I learned to ski at Chadds.Couldn't handle the big hills in the Poconos so Chadds was perfect. Loved the place. It was close for us down in Newark. Great times were had by all.
I skied Chadds Peak from about 1976 to 1981. Went to Oxford Area High School, about 35 minutes down Rt. 1. We had a ski club and I was also part of the ski team in high school. Unfortunately, for my brother, there was a lack of interest after I graduated and our high school dropped out of the program.
Talk about cheap lift tickets. I remember paying $4 to $6 for lift tickets from 7-11pm (club rate) and $25 for a season racing pass for 5 races and one practice session (each 4 hours in duration).
I attended many ski swaps at Chadds Peak held every October and remember attending one in 1984 (just about the last time Chadds Peak might have been open).
I skied Chadds Peak from about 1976 to 1981. Went to Oxford Area High School, about 35 minutes down Rt. 1. We had a ski club and I was also part of the ski team in high school. Unfortunately, for my brother, there was a lack of interest after I graduated and our high school dropped out of the program.
Talk about cheap lift tickets. I remember paying $4 to $6 for lift tickets from 7-11pm (club rate) and $25 for a season racing pass for 5 races and one practice session (each 4 hours in duration).
I attended many ski swaps at Chadds Peak held every October and remember attending one in 1984 (just about the last time Chadds Peak might have been open).
Man this brings back memories! What fun we all had Fri, sat, and Sundays! If I recall on special nights we would ski Thurs. I went to Unionville middle school at the time, lived in Chadsford down from the General store! Year pass thats what we had what fun! Mike Ginder, Kieth Brown, Ella, and Wendy Sylvester! Great times at the peak! Can still see those snow makers blowing snow! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!!
I am currently house/cat sitting for my parents in Chadds Ford while they "winter" in Florida, so I've been doing some driving on Route 1, and kept thinking about Chadds Peak each time I drive by where it was. My first skiing experience ever was at there in winter of 1975-1976. I went with 2 passionate skiers, Albert Madaline and Dirck Busby (excuse the spelling). It was such a GREAT time so close to home! I believe one of the Paciaroni's was a friend of their's, perhaps the nickname "Patch?" Anyway, Albert and I were young and in love and he proposed to me at the top of Chadd's Peak and then we skied down. We got married and honeymooned at Snowbird Utah! Well, as life goes, the marriage didn't stick, but the memories will last forever. Thanks for your efforts on the website.
Incredable to hear these stories. I grew up on the Ridgefield development on Old Baltimore Pike. Started skiing when I was 10 (mid 80's). Man what an awesome and dangerous place. Anyone rememember the "high-speed" rope tow on the right hand side of the mountian. It was a rwal glove burner!! By the way, there were 3 trails to the peak. A new trail that went from the left of the puma lift was created a year before the place closed. It was a "most difficult" trail I believe.
I think that it is safe to say that the majority of skiers that grew up loving that place still ski or board today. I will never forget my first pair of Rossi and Tyrolia 90 bindings!!
I learned to ski at Chadds Peak about 1966 and skied there for about 3 years. I attended P.S. duPont High School in Wilmington and was a member of the school's ski club. We used to take periodic bus trips to the Peak. The instructors were great -- I think I actually remember Peter! So here it is 40 years later and I'm still skiing - trying to keep up with my 14 year old son who can pretty much out-ski me at this point, but I can still hold my own thanks to the great start I got at the Peak. There were always a few wild skiers there, but I remember fondly the respect and courtesy that the staff fostered.
People new to the sport don't realize how far things have come. The equipment back then was primitive -- cable bindings and leather lace-up boots. I still remember the frozen wet toes at the end of the evening and how great it felt to put on dry socks and shoes for the bus ride back to Wilmington. I loved it anyway and still do.
I remember the creek at the bottom. For a new skier this was pretty scary - especially given the frequent icy conditions that we experienced there. One thing for sure, I hit a patch of ice these days and it barely fazes me!
Thanks to the Paciaroni's for providing a great place for beginners to get started in this terrific sport 40 years ago!
Hi to the Paciaroni's. I feel like I grew up at Willow Brook camp and Chadds Peak. Baby sitting the Paciaroni kids would age you too! (hi guys). I fondly remember one x-mas morning when we woke up to find a white x-mas on our lawn, the only lawn in Wilmington to have snow on it. That was thanks to the snow machines at Chadds Peak and the wonderful sense of humor of Marie and Pac. It's great to hear everyone's memories of a little piece of heaven right in Chadds Ford. Sending love to the whole family--Donna
Hi Marie,
I just found your letter on the DCski website while
searching for information on Chadds Peak. I always
wondered what happened to Chadds Peak. Recently a
friend and I were discussing it, and neither of us
knew what became of it.
I have many, fond, childhood memories of Chadds Peak
and in fact, it's the place where I first strapped on
a set of Ski's and learned how to Ski. It was a
wonderful place to learn. My mother used to take us
there in the winters to have some fun in the early
80's. It remains one of my favorite memories of
growing up in Chester County, PA.
I now live with my family in Northern California, but
we are contemplating moving back to Chester County. It
will always feel like home for me.
I learned how to ski there; that was a fun place; even had the opportunity to attend the Willow Brook Day Camp in 1967. The Paciaroni kids were pretty cool, Richard Jr. especially. He always made my day; we'd play basketball together; I'd climb up the pole and sit in that little basket while he'd throw the ball to me, and I'd slam dunk it in. His mother, Marie, would just smile; did her heart good to see too young kids having fun. The father, Richard Sr. aka Uncle Dick, was very down to earth. Skiing at the ski area was loads of fun; the hills were just right for me; I did very well there. I sure do miss that place. Although I no longer ski; it would be nice if Chadds Peak re-opened, and even had tubing where you slide down the hill in an inner tube. That would be loads of fun.
What a small world. I spent alot of my youth at Willow Brook Day Camp and Chadds Peak. It was a fantastic experience. Marie is my cousin, and I had dinner with my wife, my sister, and my brother inlaw, and Marie last night at the Concordville Inn. We talked about the old days at the Camp and The Peak... Learning how to make snow and trying to learn how to ski.. I will never forget the great times, and the good friends I made there!
Wouldn't it be nice to have a Chadds Peak Reunion for all who worked or taught through the years. As the only daughter of Richard and Marie I can say I was a little spoiled. Talk about taking things for granted and not appreciating things till they are gone... I sure had a great time growing up with a ski area in my back yard and a summer camp as well. I often wonder what has become of some of the friends we had made. I now live in Phoenix,am married with three kids...must travel to ski but my kids all love it! Thanks Mom !!!I too would love to hear from anyone with ties to the ski area I do have lots of pics and will post them. Email me at
Great to hear everyon's memories. I grew up on the back side of the hill in the "Knoll" and also swam at the day camp pool.My sister Sandi used to ride and help care for the horses. All the Knoll families loved the Pachiarone's place. One of the greatest things about Chadds Peak, besides learning to ski, was tobogganing at night after the lifts closed and the lights shut down. Hi To Dave Swanson,it's been years. Hope all's well. I still have a business in Kennett with my brothers Pete and Paul and we will occasionally talk about our memories of "the Bump."
Wow, what a flood of memories that came to mind back during my high school days. I was not the best skier like my brother Danny however we had so much fun meeting up with friends from my old alumnae St. James High School in Chester and the girls from Notre Dame High School in Moylan. To me life was pretty simple them days; you hitched a ride, enjoyed your friends, and had a blast! I now live in the Chadds Ford Knoll and often thought about taking a hike to the peak and reminisce. Thanks for sharing Marge and Pete my good neighbors, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's to you and your family!
I hit the button to quick I wanted to identify myself on the previous post! You never know some of my old Bulldog buddies or ND girls might read it...
Great site! We are always saying how cool that "pimple" was. I too learned to ski there in 1985 during an 8th grade school trip, Independence School in Newark, DE. Will never forget the rope tow and lift. Crashing into the woods when taking that turn onto the trail that connected the two runs. After reading the history and comments, makes me miss it even more. Thanks for creating such wonderful memories. Post the pictures please!
This site brings back great memories for me. I grew up in Chadds Ford Knoll right behind the slope. An easy walk through the woods with my sled and down Chadds Peak we would go when the slopes were closed. I remember the sounds of snow making machines at night and the lights I could see from my backyard. Hi to the Paciaroni family and thank you for the memories. Joe P. and I were the same grade. What a great place to grow up--Chadds Ford. Tonight I'm meeting some Class of 1978 Unionville High School graduates to begin planning for our 30 year High School Reunion. Doesn't seem possible that time has gone by that fast. Thanks again to the Paciaroni Family. Jack Beeson Jr.
I made my first stem-christy turns at Chadds Peak with Rick Ziegler and Vinnie Discullio. Unfortunately Chadds closed after my second season on skis (the 1987-88 season). I have been teaching skiing and snowboarding for some 17 seasons now, and I have been to scores of mountains, but I will always remember "Chadds Bump." I still have a lift ticket to prove I was there!
I love that I found this site. I too grew up skiing at Chadds Peak. We would go after dinner a lot and I thought that was so cool how close it was. I even had a patch for my jacket, remember that was a cool thing to have from ski areas!
I wish it was still around to bring my son to.
Great memories.
Wow what memories are streaming through my head right now about Chadds Peak. I was privledged enough to live right at the top and received a free season pass each year to compensate for the noise of snow making. What Marie didn't understand is that the sound of snow making to me was the best becuase I knew it was the start of our 2-3 month ski season. Some days I wouldn't even come in the house to say hello to my parents after school. I would drop the school books off in the garage, grab my skis, walk 50 yards and be on the slope. Learning there in 1976 when I was 4 up until 1987 when it closed I think I skiied every inch of the two (3 if you count the "Expert Hill")slopes and worked in every capacity for Chadds Peak; lifts, ski rental, ski school and snack bar. It was a sad day to hear the news that Chadds Peak was closing to me as well as a bunch of friends like Curtis Shoch, Scott Keller, Craig Ziegler & Bill Holdsworth. Thanks to you Marie & Richard for creating the fun filled days and nights of my youth and allowing me to have the memories I have.
Man we were lucky to have that place back then...funny how much you don't appreciate something like that until it is gone. I worked there for 5 years up until it closed. I sent the following email this morning but thought I would share it here as well. Thanks for the great memories!
Hi Ms. Paciaroni,
You probably do not remember me but you hired me when I was 14! We lived at the top of the hill in the Knoll and always benefited from the free pass. My brother, now 36, still has his entire set of season passes from the time he was 5 hanging in his office! I still ski today because of the time I spent at the Peak.
I worked there until it closed, 1 year for you and then for the Chens. Based on their lack of experience and inability to hire seasonal managers, by the final couple years I was pretty much in charge and learning management at a very young age. Today I am an entrepreneur and have built a company from scratch that now employees about 350 people. I am fairly certain I would not be were I am in my career had it not been for my early experience at the Peak. The company has won many awards for business growth over the years and I am always asked questions about experience, best jobs, etc. and I ALWAYS talk about my days at the Peak. It was, to this day, the best job I have ever had!! The lessons I learned there were invaluable. Where else could a 17 year old kid make snow, prime pumps, start giant compressors, climb Poma lift towers, operate a snow cat, schedule, approve pay, hire, fire and cook French fries all in the same week!
I still have a recurring dream, about every 2 or 3 months, where I have bought the Peak from the Chens and I am trying to get the snow making equipment back up and running. I spent MANY a cold night hauling hoses up and down the hill and trying to thaw out frozen pipes. You cant imagine how much I miss it
I just thought you might want to know what an amazing part your business played in my life.
Have a great day,
John Ratliff
We were at 23 Stirling Way in the Knoll.
I loved skiing at the Peak. And the Spademan bindings! I thought it was long ago turned into a neighborhood. Could it be brought back to life? I'd sure invest in it!
the thiokol imp and the thiokol packmaster groomers. The Jeep CJ that jimmy drew in the ropetow lift house. yeah i remember...
Wow. Reading all the comments brings back lots of memories. I learned to ski at Chadds Peak back in the 80s. My Mom taught at Unionville and I attended Chadds Ford Elementary - whenever we had a "snow day" that shut down all the roads - we still managed to drive to Chadds Peak to ski!!! I now frequent Lake Tahoe since I live in NorCal - but every time I see a poma or rope tow I think of Chadds Peak and can attribute my start to skiing there. I think I have a Chadds Peak ski patch on an old vest somewhere too! Good memories!
A way far east, where the snow aint deep,
There is a little place called Chadds Peak.
With a two inch slope and a rope tow,
And the lodge is hot but the food is cold.
Its about all I can remember when Mike Ratliff and I made up a theme song for the Peak. My earliest resume included lift operator and ski instructor. I omitted the few night shifts moving hoses and playing around with diesel fuel. A few memories which always make me smile include: Sledding the Peak after hours (uncontrollable speed), risking drowning to write a message on the lake, meeting friends Monday through Friday after school and Saturday and Sunday night dates, racing in 7th and 8th grade against public high schools, and disintegrating gloves on the high speed rope tow. The first run on the mountain wasnt from the top of the hill rather it started on the back deck of the barn and headed down the flight of stairs and across the bridge. My skis rarely lasted an entire season. Hats off to those parents who let us ski in the rain, sleet and every once in a while snow. I now live outside Atlanta which ironically has great access to incredible skiing via Delta ATL to SCL. I hope my children find their own Peak experience. Never stop skiing.
i grew up across the highway on chandler rd. we were the clark clan. all 6 skied there at one time or another. i am 42 now and living in whitefish mt, but i still consider the peak my home hill. i worked there in the 80's making snow and running the lifts which of course meant a free pass and all the skiing you could get when the lines were empty. that place gave us local kids a real sense of community. we were never bored in the winter cuz there was skiing to be best buddy danny tourish and i learned there together the hard way. just strap em on and head up the rope tow till you got good enough to muster up the courage to head over to the "big hill". so many friends and so many memories i could go on all nite. i do love the idea of some kind of reunion.patrick clark
I grew up just down RT 1 - and spent many seasons at the Peak -and still have my passes also! Racing with Unionville High...graduated in 87... so many memories and friends made there...I think of those days and smile...
I also dream of investing in the property and bring it back to life!
Greetings to all here, and warm greetings especially to "Mrs. Patch," Richard, Joe, Sharon and Glenn. Memories of skiing, summer camp, and swim club - and my family's friendship with the Paciaroni family - come back today every time I drive west on Rt 1!
I'd ski at Chadds Peak every weekday after school. This meant scores of bump runs on the short yet steep hill. Over time, this made good skiers out of lots of local kids like me who could rarely if ever afford the Poconos.
Chadds Peak also was my first employer! Mr. Paciaroni was a great boss. He'd patiently teach us how to do something new, watch us do it, then nod reassuringly -- as if to say "you've got it. Carry on! I know you'll do it right. "
If a Chadds Peak reunion comes up, count me in!
Dave fink in West Chester
I will never forget the "bump" along with all the friends and great times had by all! Carolyn Bookhart,Jon Roberts,Bob and Bill Holdsworth, and Curt and Brian Drummheller. Blowing out my knee racing! Working in the snack bar and having Mrs Chen yellin' at us "no
fee cheesebugers" for the 50th time!Singing REM on the way up to the top. Parties after hours! I always brought the bottle of Chadds Ford Winery wine.
I went to Anna P Mote Elementary in Delaware and I had a teacher, Mr. Sing, who organized at least one trip to Chadd's Peak, possibly more. Could've been more trips and could've been a different teacher; my memory is a little fuzzy. 5th and 6th grade trips in the 82-84 time period, I think. From reading the comments, I just found out the real names for two things: Spademan bindings and Poma lift.
I remember taking lessons on the beginner hill that took up most of the night. I remember my instructor warning me not to go straight down the hill or she would teach me how to turn all over again. I remember the creek at the bottom of the hill. I remember the ruts in the rope tow. I remember repeatedly falling off the Poma at the top. I remember all good things and how much fun it was to go there.
I have very fond memories of learning how to ski at Chadds Peak. My elementary school, George Gray (which no longer exists) started a ski club when I was in 5th grade ('79-80) and we went every Thursday night. I remember having my gloves ripped up trying to hold onto the tow rope up the "bunny slope." Once at the top, you'd take about 2 turns and be at the bottom! Eating at the snack shack, singing songs on the bus the way there and back, frozen fingers trying to get those old bindings on and off...what wonderful memories of a simpler time. Thanks!!
A friend just told me about this site. Wow, Chadds "Pimple!!" Only went there three times in the early "80's on class trips from Stetson Middle School (up Rt1, turn left, then up Rt202). It was so close and so great for beginners. It had a real neighborhood feel to it. By the time we got to H.S., everyone seemed to be making fun of the place, compairing it to their Pocono, Vermont and Colorado excursions... but that wasn't fair. Apples to Oranges. It was the right place at the right time for so many of us and will always remain in the hearts of those who grew up in the Delaware Valley! R.I.P. Chadds Peak and thank you to all who made it a great place to be.
I just came across the Chadds Peak entry and am delighted to find such great memories. When I moved to Wilmington, Del., in 1978, I had only a 25-minute drive to continue my ski patrol volunteering at Chadds.
The patrol welcomed me warmly, and while I don't remember treating any injuries, I remember nice times up there.
I was patrol leader for a season before my job transferred me and I joined the Ski Liberty patrol. It was nice to read Marie's letter. She and Dick were always very nice to the patrol.
Dear Marie - The memories are sweet. I learned to ski at Chadd's in the middle 1970's and I hoped to share the experience with my son this year. I no longer live in the area and a rare family visit is presenting a few days to share part of my childhood. Chadd's was on the short list of special places to see. Know that you and your husband helped create a lifetime of joy from the sport and I am deeply appreciative.
We were there when it opened. We all learned to ski at the Peak. My husband was on the ski patrol too. My children would go skiing every nite after dinner. They would ski down the hill and take the last ride on the Poma home. We even had a gate adjoining the property so they could get home. Several of our children became racers on the Jr.USSA circuit and even became Jr Pa,State Champions. They all still ski and have their children skiing too. We loved the area and the Paciarones. We were friends but somehow lost contact. I am very happy to have found Maria again
I learned to ski at "the peak" on a cub scout trip in 1976 and spent the next 10 years skiing there. I raced there all 4 years of high school as well. I never seemed to be able to crack the 16 second mark, but I think Kurt Drumheller once did it in 10 seconds! Yeah, it had its nicknames like Chadds lump, chadds pimple etc., but my friends and I all agree that we wouldn't be the same skiers we are today without it. I remember begging my father to spend the eighty dollars or so for my first season pass. Fortunately he relented and I was there almost every day after school in the winter. It's great to see so many familiar names in these postings and that they all, like me, have so many fond memories of such a special place. I was in "the knoll" today and couldn't resist parking my car and walking through the Ratliff's old yard to see what became of Chadds Peak. As I walked around the top where the poma unloaded and then down the trail to the top of the "big hill" the memories were endless and I wondered if there was any online content and pictures. I don't know why it never occurred to me to google Chadds Peak, but I'm glad I did.
Wow, my brother pointed me to this site and I felt compelled to share the memory of my first ski lesson at Chadds Peak. I was about 9 years old in a bright yellow jacket bombing down the bunny hill going at a pretty good speed and wasn't able stop until I crashed into my brother (Tom Cappie)and we then crashed right into the ticket booth!!! I was not the "Ski Bum" that my brother is but I came back many times to ski and have other very funny memories of "the Bump". Thanks for sharing your stories y'all. I am sure I saw many of you at Chadds Peak during those special years growing up in Chadds Ford, PA.
I learned to Ski at Chadds Peak. Will NEVER forget how big that hill looed the first day at 10 years old!
I raced for the Unionville team for a year and went back after college to Teach lessons for a couple of seasons.
The day one of my ski school students proposed is anothe unforgettable memory. He was seven years old. We settled for hot chocolate...
Yep...We remember it well and would love to turn back the hands of time. We lived in the Knoll and belonged to the pool during the summer and hung out at the ski peak in the winter. Several of our friends, who also lived in the Knoll, worked there and we would sled down the peak in trash can lids after it closed, while they were making snow. Did a little partying those days, you could! We remember the Paciaroni family so very well, especially Mrs. P. and the oldest son. What a blast from the past!
I remember skiing Chadds Peak often in the '70s, especially during Winterim, senior year at Brandywine High School in '77. Every afternoon for 2 weeks, up to Chadds for 3 hours of local fun. Later, as a Ski Patroller at Little Gap (now Blue Mountain), I attended an advanced ski program there. The area was actually closed, and the only snow was on the school slope, so we walked up and worked on ski skills on the way down, over and over. I miss that place.
Great pictures provided by John Broom. Thanks!
Great times and memories at the "peak" 10 year old daughter on my lap now wanting me to take her there to learn to ski. Prayers out to you Mr.Patch for your work.
I learned to ski at Chadds Peak in the winter of 1974-75 when I was a student at the University of Delaware. My fraternity brother, Tom Mihelcic, was an instructor there and he taught me how to ski. I met the ski school director, Horst Gwinner, who hired me to work for him in sales at A. Duie Pyle, the local trucking company in West Chester, PA.
Chadds Peak started my life-long love of skiing -- it's still my favorite hobby. I have two teenage daughters who are very good skiers that I have taught and we have had many wonderful ski vacations together - mostly in UT and CO.
We now live in Bethesda, MD and ski regularly at Whitetail in PA and Timberline in WV.
I have very fond memories of Chadds Peak.
Ahhh...,many fond memories of "Chadds Hole"! More hole than peak, it served me well. I think my life would not be what it is today without the opportunities made possible there. Introduced to the "Peak" in 1973 as a result of junior high P.E. class, I've been an avid skier ever since! Skied Chadds until 1979. It was a huge part of our lives. My friends & I went as often as possible. Some kids ice skated, roller skated, went bowling, or hung at the mall..., we went to Chadds! I think my parents curse that place to this day for the monsters it created in both my brother & I. Between shuttle service from Wilmington, expensive Christmas gift lists that always included a new pare of ski gloves from that crazy rope tow, to finally loosing both children to Utah, the holy land for skiers, they hate it I'm sure! It will always be near & dear to me. Thanks to Chadds Peak, skiing will always be a huge part of me & my family. What a great legacy the Paciaroni's have left behind. So many introduced to such a great sport thanks to there efforts.
Some of the fond memories include...
G.L.M., great way to learn to ski until Spademans let you down.
Long before high speed quads, there was that high speed rope tow.
That sweet spot on the poma where you could get air if you squatted in the right spot.
Getting your lift ticket pulled for building a "terrain park" (jump)
Kicked out of ski school teacher training for wearing Hanson boots.(not kidding)
Concord H.S. ski team...WE SUCKED but had the most fun!
On & on & on. R.I.P Chadds Peak!
I thought I would never see pics of the old place. I feel like I just look at a ghost on film. Thanks to all you provided this site and pics.
Thanks again
Raised in Delaware
Residing in Tampa, Fl
Chadds Peak! So many memories! A season cost....$34....and boy did we have fun there!!!
I remember when they got the Poma lift. Gosh I miss that place!
I remember Mr. Pac' smokin' on his big cigar! Do any of you remember the "side trail" which was to the right of the Poma lift (forming a Y in the Peak).....remember how steep that was?! I learned to do "tip rolls" at Chadds Peak. That was a big deal! Don't overshoot the bottom or you'll end up in the stream!!!
My parents were on the Ski Patrol at Chadd's in the 70's. It's where I learned to ski. I woudln't bother to turn. No need! Talk about memories!
I owned Chadds Peak from 1976 - 1981 along with Ernie Reeder and Bob Spickler. I'm very happy that many of you learned to Ski at Chadds. Wish I could tell the Real story of the Peak. It would not be pretty.
Awe come on now Mr.Buzby! You can't leave us hangin! Please do tell!! I forgot you were involved in the "Peak". The real story couldn't be any uglier than the ski hill was now could it?
Hope you're well,
Thank you so much for posting pictures of Chadds Peak! Trying to explain the magnitude of this place to anyone is now simplified by this website.
I grew up in a non-skiing family, but I was fortunate enough to have had my elementary school principal take us every Wednesday in January and February in the early 80s. Skills honed at Chadds Peak led to some wonderful high school memories of road trips to the Poconos and a yearly school organized trip to Vermont. I was then fortunate enough to go to college in Colorado - all of these great memories were fueled by a love of skiing born at Chadds Peak. Thank you so much for this little gem and for making a lifelong skier out of a Delawarian!
Learned to ski at Chadds Peak with help from my West Chester State College roomate and chadds ski instructor Jimmy Parrish. I haven't skiied much since then but I always remember the "pizza wedge" and the stand-up tow rope that was the most difficult part of my experience. Great memories!
Amazing! I learned to ski there too! Unionville had a ski club that met Thursdays after school. A little ice never hurt anyone, right?
I raced at Chadds Peak in 1984 or 1985 as part of the High School race program they had there. I really loved it there. We should band together and re-open it as a private ski area as they have done at Otis Mountin in New York. I am sure we could raise engough support and work something our with the current owners. Anyone else interested? I live close to the site and could coordinate.
I moved into the Knoll 5 years ago and was always interested in finding the remnants of ski area. Can't say I ever skied there, but growing up in Delaware County I knew where the place was. Last week my neighbor John and his kids walked down thru the woods and found it. Yesterday they took me down there. The old buildings are still there, all in a state of disrepair, pump house,motor house, and the remains of the lift system. The snow making pipes are still there with valves on them. Some of the lighting are still on the trees. There was still a t-bar laying on the ground. Cool stuff! We both have pictures, but I'm not sure how to post them.
Wow I hadn't thought about Chadds Peak in years, until I came across this page.
Even though it was more of a hill then anything else, I loved that place. During the winter time it gave my mom who grew up in VT, and MA a slight, very slight taste of home after moving to Wilmington.
I remember my elementary school would do weekly trips, every weds during the winter time, after school for like $5 or $10. Every year at least 1 or 2 kids would end up knee high in that pond or stream, whatever it was, at the bottom of the hill.
Best memory there was kissing my first girl when I was in the 5th grade. Worst memory by far was after it closed they wholesaled everything off, and for the next five or six years I had junky skis, boots and bindings.
When I came out of the Marines in 1969, I found Chadds Peak. I was still living at home in Springfield, and was teaching in Conshohocken. I have fond memories of the Peak and learning how to ski. I became a highly skilled skier, and an instructor at Jack Frost Mountain. After several years of instructing, I stopped, because I wanted to ski, rather than instruct. I skied all of the Poconos and even Vermont. I am 67 now, and can't ski any longer. It was a wonderful time in my life. One song brings back those years I skied at Chadds Peak at night, after teaching school all day-"Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head".
Wow !!! Can't believe there is a website for Chadds Peak !! I worked there for "Patch" and Mrs. "Patch" during my high school years, 1969-1972 at Chadds Peak in the winter as a "lift-line operator" and during the summer at their day camp cutting grass FOREVER and raking apples out of the orchard. I remember so many people from both seasons ! I even recognize some of the names of the people who left comments. I remember all of the Paciaroni kids ! Wonder if they would remember me ? I still live in the area and would love a Chadds Peak reunion or a Willowbrook Country Club reunion.
My brother "Tim" also worked there as a mechanic and snow maker. He now lives in Annapolis MD but I intend to forward all this info to him. It would make his day ! Thanks all for the blast from the past. I started work there when I was 14. I am now 54 and love reminising of those "good ole days.
I learned to ski at Chadds Peak with my brave mother and brother. We continue to talk about the great memories we had there. That place started me on a lifetime passion for skiing. I'll never forget the first time we skiied on the "big slope"!!
Now,....many years later...i have taught all 3 of my kids ski and we ski at Elk Mountain every year.
Long Live Chadds Peak!!!!
I learned to ski here with my mother and my sister in the late 70's when I was 9 years old. What a great great place! I remember the rikity Poma lift and going on ski trips with my schools ski club there well through middle school. I can't believe that Chadds Peak is gone -- great memories! My best was trying to navigate the Spademan Bindings with the big corkscrew mechanism on the Elan skis - the Asteroids game and the creek at the bottom of the "big hill" that so many people crashed in to and broke their appendages! I think the same Asian folks bought the Spring Lake miniature golf course and ran that place straight into the ground as well! Two iconic fun places - gone! Chadds Peak had class!
I lived off of rt 52, real close to Chadds Peak...I remember my friends going there. When you asked where they were skiing, they use to say "Chadds Pimple" LOL!!/group.php?gid46335265379
I guess since people started posting here in 2006 and still are is a testament in itself. I worked in the Rental Shop, I think when I was in college and off for CMas Break because I worked during he day. Mrs. Patch gave me much responsibility to manage the shop. The coolest part was being there when the Handicapped kids would first it was a bother,,then I felt blessed to be able to help them...a few tried putting their skis on in the shop and walking out!!! Bless them and the instructors who taught of many small ways the ski area worked with the community.
The place was a 30 second drop on the big hill. Only good thing was meeting loose chicks, making out and drinking illegally in the early 80s...the good ol' days before MADD when cops would stop you and either follow (escort) you home or drive you, with no ticket ever. Ah, the memories!!!! Shit, cops would even have confiscated beer parties and invite over regular locals!!! Or you'd end up havin' a whip ass brew ha of a time red neck style at good ol' Paul Reyburn's Tavern, assuming you passed the screening visa vi the peep hole on the entrance door. Long live Reyburn's, since 1936, he made it to 100 years and is dearly missed (old friend).
Wow, I was just forwarded the link to this site. So many great memories. From the first time on ski's with my Uncle Nick, to after school races skiing with my buds from Brandywine High. Mr. Steele our coach made us walk up every other run to strengthen our legs. Several of us worked in the ski department at Herman's in the mall. With the job came a free seasons pass to the Bump. We would race our cars through the valley every day after school just to get there. Great memories.
June 2011
There is an original oil of the Chadds Peak property by Chadds Ford favorite local artist, Paul Scarborough on display (and available for purchase) at the Chadd Ford Gallery on Route 1.
Check it out!
I learned to ski at Chadds Peak as a High School student living in Hatboro, Montgomery County in 1965. We would drive for over a hour and spend all day at the Peak. Little did I know then that in 1978 I would return to live in Chadds Ford Township, Skiing is gone but I drive through the Knoll every once and awhile to relive more carefree days.
wow!I learned to ski there,A BLAST FROM THE PAST.
Wow! I have to say this site has made me well up. I remember the Chadds Peak and Manfred Mann Blinded By Th eLight Blasting on the hill. I also enjoy seeing some of the names of the posters who our lives may have crossed somewhere along the way. Unionville 1984
Chadd's Hole ROCKS!!!! Where is Horst Gwinner today? We were the studliest corps of ski instructors in the USA. Horst was just plain cool. Then there were the world-class high school ski races which Brandywine always won, of course.
Well our Brandywine team rocked in the early 70's as well! I remember the season starting in the fall doing dry runs at the BHS soccer field with Mr. Steele having us run around poles. Then the after-school practices and meets during the cold winter. Then the last meets of the season as it warmed up, marked by a water-ski run on the flats after crossing the finish line. Great memories!
Loved skiing at Chadds Peak! My older brother Stefan and I skied there with the Newark HS ski team (around 1981). He taught me how to ski a slalom course. It was the closest place to ski after school in the evenings. Good memories there! I remember the rope tow and needing to wear good leather gloves to grab onto the rope as it took me up the hill. The pommel lift was a trip too! Enjoyed reading and reliving these good memories :)
I now live in Vermont but learned to ski t chadds peak and was on the school ski team . spent everyday they were open when It was open when I was a kid
I spent many wonderful hours learning to ski on that little slope in the early 70's. Lots of good pictures of the HS ski team bombing their way to victory! Long live the fond memories!
I had the pleasure of learning to ski at "Chadds bump" in the late 1970s. Since then, 3 generations of my family have enjoyed the sport, the bonding and life in the mountains. It all started with Chadds Peak. Thank you for that gift.
I was a freshman at North East HS in MD in '83 when I went on a YMCA trip to Chadds Peak. It was the first time I clipped into a pair of skis. The next time I skied was in '87 at Norwich University in VT.
I now live in VT with my wife and 3 kids and I am proud to say we are a skiing family. I wouldn't say I learned how to ski at the Peak but it's where the "fire" started and it's been burning ever since.
P.S. Is Pulsations Nightclub still open?
Does anyone happen to have a picture of Ernie Reeder on the Peak or off back in the 70's. Or go to High School with him? He was an avid and wonderful skier. I'm sure he'd still be skiing today.
Oh the memories, we had so much fun there in the late 70's & early 80' little ski trips from Delaware. Lol, I was just marveling at the small family style place about 45 mins from my home in is a mere 6'680 feet. Made me think back to Chadds Peak, so, in looking it up I was pleasantly surprised to find this site. Great pics!
I've enjoyed reading all these memories... I skied and raced there around 1975-77 and worked as a ski instructor after college. So I saw it when the Patch's owned it and after it was sold. I have great memories of working with Jim Parrish... and racing for Mount Pleasant too. I'm still teaching skiing, in Maine at the Camden Snow Bowl. It's bigger than Chadd's Peak, but it has the same small town flavor and lasting memories for those who have grown up with it. When I ride the "Little T-bar" at night during the Friday Night Races, it is so very similar to the Poma line... and with the lights, trees, and sounds I can very easily be transported right back to night skiing at Chadds Peak. My daughter has grown up skiing here at the Camden Snow Bowl and is now racing in USSA races in Maine and trains on the weekends with CVA at Sugarloaf. She laughs when I talk about my racing days. I'd love to go back. It was a great place and I'm happy to have found all of you here!
Oh, and somewhere I still have my Ski Instructor name tag... and I think I still have my red windbreaker pullover jacket, believe it or not.
Chadds Peak was the first place I ever skied back in the early 80's. I talk about it with friends from time to time. We laugh when we talk about the toe rope lift and poma and how short the trails were. Nothing but good memories. It is really great reading all of these great comments. I only wish I had some pictures to post.
BTW Patrick Gibbons, I'm sorry to tell you that Pulsations Night Club no longer exists..
I grew up in the Knoll behind the ski slope, my friends and I skied there. However my fondess memories are of late nite sledding adventures after the slopes were closed. It was fast zipping down the ice on the slopes. Cool to see how many lives are intertwined by the Chadds Peak Ski Slope
I was recently talking to a co-worker about where I learned to ski, and I mentioned Chads Peak. Just for grins, I Googled Chads Peak, and found this website.
It all brings back so many great memories. I started skiing there as a sophomore in high school (Go Claymont!) in 1969. I remember that the cost of a season ticket was $35. After skiing there for a couple of years, I got a job running the lifts on the weekends. Free Skiing....Yahoo!!!
Compared to the "big time" ski areas in the Poconos, it wasn't much, but less than 30 minutes from home, and with night skiing, I could ski most every day of the week. Needless to say, my grades always dipped in the winter.
I finally got on the Ski Patrol, and did that for a couple of years before moving to Colorado, where I still currently live. I remember when we built the new Ski Patrol shack at the base of the beginners slope. What a great group of folks to hang out with. Gotta love it!
Loved reading all the comments. I was Chadds Peak's mechanic from 1969 thru 1985 (17 years), which includes some time with the Chens when they took over. To my partner Tim, I say hi. We spent many a day and night keeping things running. I have the greatest memories from this place and all those with whom I interacted, Patch, Marie, Peter, Horst, Tim, Joey, Richie, Glenn, Sharon and Jim (now at Spring Mtn). I was teaching in West Chester and used to meet Shelly (wife) after school, take my kids to ski for a couple hours, eat dinner, then home to bed. Ryan was skiing the big hill at age 4 and now takes his crew skiing at Bear Creek. Rebecca spends most of her time with her crew at Spring Mtn with occasional trips to Bear Creek. Lara, poor girl is stuck in Ohio and misses out. Christine just had her first (girl), so we have to get her back out again. As you can see, the entire family has Chadds Peak to thank for a world of ongoing pleasure and some incredible memories. Yes, we made our own snow, which seems so antiquated now when I look at the turbine snow machines. Our snow guns were nothing more than two pipes on the shape of the lower case letter (h) where high pressure air was attached to the straight pipe and the water line attached to the hump line of the ( h ). The high pressure air would slice into the water coming in from the side and rip the molecules into a mist as it came out of the nozzle at the top of the (h). Adjusting the amount of water made the snow anywhere from powder to slush. It was a constant trip up and down the mountain adjusting the flow because the temperature would change considerably from top to bottom all in the same hour. The people who skiied Chadds were some of the nicest people I had ever come to know. Most of them were kids who were learning to ski while the parents either watched or hit the snack bar, which reminds me, I forgot to mention Joe the cook. Joe always took care of me nomatter what I wanted to eat and he was very good a what he did. Wonder where Joe is today? Behind the scenes was something very few people got to see, like when the gearbox fell out of the Poma Lift, or the water pump sheared a shaft in the middle of snowmaking, or the track came off the little snow cat (imp) , or one of the groomers wrapped the large cat around a tree on the beginner's slope, or the cable jumped off the sheaves on the poma lift. And on it went, but Patch never seemed to complain. I remember joking with him one time about his brand new Lincoln Continental, probably the one thing he prized next to his family. I had found a little magnetic rubberized sticker that said: YOU TOUCHA MY CAR, I BREAKA YOU FACE" It was the perfect Italian motto. I placed it on his driver's side door right next to the key slot for the door lock. Marie calls me at home the next day telling me Patch is going to kill me. Apparently he thought it was GLUED on so that if he tried to remove it, it would chip the paint. I was in histarics laughing. Later, when I caught up to Patch I jokingly said he'd have to catch me to get his hands on me, knowing full well I could outrun him any day of the week. He paused, looked me straight in the eye and said, "Can you outrun a 38 ?" He was one of the best people I had ever come to work for and I miss him and Marie to this day. To all who skied the "Bump", I wish you well and hope you always treasure its memories.
Rich McLLaughlin
Reyburn’s Tavern, a slice of life from the past, I knew Paul from the late 60’s when I lived near the Ski Bump.
The comment about passing the entry test to get in was a classic.
Paul was a CF historian with a good memory who could really educate you about the “ Old CF Days “.
I hope P… P.. , A… , B.. J… , D… T….. and the Old Regulars from that era are all well.
Gettin Old
David W. submitted the following comments about Chadds Peak:
Chadds Peak Ski Area was the start of my skiing (career). I started skiing there between 13-15 years old. My older brother taught me how to get up the beginner hill on the rope tow and then he left me there. I did not know how to turn, so I went straight down and threw myself to the ground to stop (going in the creek was the other option:) I went home and was so excited to tell my mom that I made it down the expert hill (same technique:) 5 times without falling. I won the HS ski race seasons, for West Chester HS's, in 77 & 78 and had the record for the race course:) I went on to be one of 5 that started the PSU ski team. I had an injury which kept me from racing and I got into teaching and running a small ski school(s) in college. I ended up designing my PSU degree around it - 'Sports management and administration with an emphasis in the ski industry'. PSU later named it Kinesiology with a business option. After graduating I moved to Vail Co and was a private contract lesson ski, snowboard and tele-marker instructor for 18+ years including 4 seasons (our summers) Down Under. I skied all over; PA, NY, NJ, VT, ME, CO, UT, Canada & Aussie land...all started at the 'Zit' (Chadds Peak:) ... awesome memories...
I love that the first comment on this page was 2005 and that the most recent was within the last month, a span of almost 20 years.
I was prompted to search for Chadds Peak by my realization that until last year, my last season pass for skiing was my senior year of HS--winter 1982-1983!
I raced for Brandywine HS all three years (the HS was 10-12 at that time). I was pretty good, capable of earning a top 10 in the league, and was on track to be the school's number one skier as a senior until some kid from Switzerland showed up. We became great friends and are still in touch, so he wasn't all bad.
I remember a fast time on the slalom course being about 13 seconds. And while navigating the gates as fast as possible was a challenge, the real challenge was crossing the finish line at full speed while still managing to stop before plunging into the creek.
found this scan in a pile of old papers. my parents had taken the shirt and xeroxed it with a picture of my face (around 1982), which is why I covered it with the circle.