DCSki Sponsor: The Omni Homestead Resort
Retail Changes on Tap for Snowshoe 3
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

The Village Bistro is Snowshoe’s newest restaurant. Photo provided by Snowshoe Mountain Resort.
The Village at Snowshoe continues to evolve at West Virginia’s Snowshoe Mountain Resort. The mountaintop village, home to numerous retail shops and restaurants, will see the addition of several new stores this spring. A full-service restaurant, coffee shop, and crafts store are among the new retail offerings.

Patterned after the Harris Grill in Charlotte, North Carolina, the Village Bistro restaurant will provide another full-service dining option at the top of Snowshoe. The Village Bistro, located in the base of the Allegheny Springs condo development, will join the Foxfire Grill, The Junction, and Cheat Mountain Pizza.

Those looking for a fix of caffeine will be pleased to learn that a Starbucks Coffee location will open at Snowshoe in June. In addition to offering a dizzying array of coffees (in a dizzying array of sizes), Snowshoe’s Starbucks location will offer Internet access.

“We’re constantly looking for ways to improve services offered in The Village,” said Snowshoe Mountain Vice President and General Manager Bruce Pittet. “This Starbucks location will allow us to surprise and delight our guests by offering them great Starbucks products, consistent service and coffee knowledge all from our trained baristas.”

A crafts shop, highlighting products from local West Virginia artisans, will also open in the building located between Snowshoe’s Mountain Adventure Center and Allegheny Springs. The Eager Beaver Wood Shop will sell handcrafted wood items such as furniture and frames.

With the mountain biking season about to kick into high gear, Snowshoe will open a Mountain Adventure Center near the Ballhooter chairlift. New menus will be unveiled at all of the Village restaurants starting in June, highlighting summer fare. Rocky Mountain Chocolate plans to offer hand-dipped ice cream.

About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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DCSki Sponsor: Massanutten Resort

Reader Comments

John Sherwood
May 17, 2004
One big advantage of Starbucks coming to Snowshoe is the T-Mobile Hot Spot system installed in most of its stores:


For $29.99 a month (or for $6.99 a day), you can subscribe to T-Mobile Hot Spots--a service that gives you high speed wireless Internet service at Starbucks and many other locations.

If Snowshoe's shop has the system, this would be an easy and fairly cheap way for day trippers like me get Internet access while at the resort..
May 19, 2004
The ability to file our first hand reports without having to go home first !
Lou Botta
May 25, 2004
Went to the Bistro twice in two different weekends while visiting my condo. The place is REALLY nice inside. The management has taken pains to educate the wait staff on customer service, although having hired several waiters from the Junction, these still carry a bit of the indolent and lackadaisical attitude that was the Junction's trademark. Some of the bugs will have to be ironed out in this case.

The food was super. Healthy, too. The wine list was also surprisingly excellent.

Together with the Foxfire, Snowshoe now has two casual restaurants worth entering. Of course, in the "dressy" category, the Red Fox will continue to be the flagship of the restaurant community up there, as it ranks right up there with the best of DC, Philly or New York.

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