DCSki Sponsor: Massanutten Resort
What’s New for 2002: Snowshoe Mountain Resort 11
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

Getting to Snowshoe Mountain Resort might be easier this winter, as the West Virginia resort plans to expand its access road towards the town of Cass. Visitors arriving via Cass will be able to head west on Rt. 66 and turn onto the access road. The 2.5-mile road, built at a cost of $2 million dollars and funded by the West Virginia Department of Highways, connects to the southeast portion of the resort near the Top of the World complex.

This new access road will shave up to 30 minutes off the trip to Snowshoe for D.C. area visitors. The road also has safety aspects, according to Snowshoe’s Communications Director Joe Stevens.

“In 1996, Cupp Run washed out Snowshoe Drive at the base of the mountain and we were without a road for 9 hours,” Stevens explained. During the washout, Snowshoe had to evacuate an injury via a groomer. The extension to the access road will give Snowshoe a second exit point from the resort.

Visiting Snowshoe this winter will be easier, and cheaper, too -; if you plan a midweek trip. Throughout the season, Snowshoe will be offering “free Wednesdays.” When any three or more night trip is booked that touches a Wednesday night, Snowshoe will throw in lodging for Wednesday night free. Some restrictions apply; call 877-441-4386 for details.

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About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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Reader Comments

September 20, 2002
i checked their website, but don't see any mention of it. any eta?
September 20, 2002
I too have tried unsuccessfully to find this road. Nothing on there website. Nothing on any maps. Are you sure about this? are you it's not a dream you had?
maybe you need to get out from behind the keyboard more often(:)) If anyone out has more info please share.
September 20, 2002
Hi folks,

The news on the new Snowshoe access road was straight from the source -- Snowshoe. However, the project is under the control of (and being developed by) the West Virginia Department of Highways. My guess is that the WV DoH operates on their own schedule, which might not be aligned exactly with a ski resort's schedule. Road projects can fall behind. I suspect Snowshoe isn't using the new road as a marketing point (at least not yet) since there's no guarantee that it will be completed in time for the ski season -- but last I heard, things were on track.
September 21, 2002
From the WVDOT website (this contract was opened for bids September 4):

Paved surface on the Snowshoe Access Road Extension from WV 66 to the ski center will be provided by a Pocahontas County contract that includes installation of guardrail and pavement markings on 2.86 miles of new County 9/3. Grading and drainage work to prepare the roadway was done by DOH district forces.
September 22, 2002
Snowshoe got mentioned in October's Ski Magazine as one of North America's 6 "unsung heroes." The article bragged about the high elevation of the mountain and its 100 percent snowmaking: "northern exposure with southern hospitality." Go Shoe!
September 24, 2002
I received official clarification on the new Snowshoe access road: it's being paved right now (paving started this week, clearing is already done) and is scheduled to open in time for the ski season. It will show up on West Virginia maps that are published starting next year. A future "Snow News is Good News" column on Snowshoe's web site will provide more details about the road (and I look forward to getting the first firsthand report this winter from visitors using the road!)
October 9, 2002
The road is totally paved and they are painting lines on it- it is almost completed- saw it last weekend
Evan Hewitt
November 1, 2002
The new road is finished and is to be open by late this month. You can access it easily, after passing thru the town of CASS you begin the ascent once you have reached the top of the hill start looking on your right. If you have more questions on Snowhsoe feel free to contact me. ehewitt@snowshoemtn.com
November 7, 2002
I think it'll show up on the mountain bike map as red gate road.
November 13, 2002
The road is open- was on it last weekend.
November 13, 2002
Yay! Now accessing Poo Plateau and all those other trails in the summer won't be so hard.

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