4th Annual Kids’ Safety Poster Contest 2
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

The National Ski Patrol and the Southeastern Ski Areas Association have teamed together to sponsor the 4th Annual Kids’ Safety Poster Contest. Intended to increase awareness of the safety aspects of winter sports, the contest will award the top six designers in the Southern Division with Savings Bonds ranging in value from $50 (for Honorable Mention) to $500 (for the top scoring poster). Winning Division entries will also be forwarded to a national competition.

Participants must be in elementary school, and children can only submit one entry each. Each entry should be 8.5”x11” or 11”x17”, and can be created using pencil, crayon, paint, or other “school” materials (but no macaroni).

Each poster must incorporate the Responsibility Code in some way. The Responsibility Code is included at the bottom of this article.

The child’s name, address, and telephone number must be printed on the back of the entry, and entries should be sent, unfolded, to:

Ski Safety Poster Contest
50 Elkwood Avenue
Asheville, NC 28804

The deadline for entries is January 30, 2004.

Responsibility Code

  1. Always stay in control and be able to stop or avoid other people or objects.

  2. People ahead of you have the right of way. It is your responsibility to avoid them.

  3. You must not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible from above.

  4. Whenever starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yield to others.

  5. Always use devices to help prevent runaway equipment.

  6. Observe all posted signs and warnings. Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.

  7. Prior to using any lift, you must have the knowledge and ability to load, ride and unload safely.

About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

Author thumbnail

Reader Comments

January 3, 2004
i just wanted to know if kids from florida are allowed to participate. cause thats what you never mentioned about.
January 3, 2004
Yelena, the information I received does not indicate any restrictions on where the entries can come from. This contest is being run by the Southeastern Ski Areas Association, and I'm sure that covers Florida as well. (I.e., there isn't a "closer" ski area association that would target Florida.) If you want to double-check, you could try calling the Southeastern Ski Areas Assocation at 828-262-1199.

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