Whitetail 2022-2023 thread
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wfyurasko - DCSki Supporter 
December 28, 2022
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I figured I'd start a Whitetail thread, though the initial news isn't good.

Unfortunately, we discovered the pump that supplies all of the snowmaking water to the mountain was not working properly. Our team worked through the night and sent the part out for an emergency repair. We hope to have it reinstalled and tested within the next couple of days so we are ready to maximize the next snowmaking opportunity.

Like you, we are disappointed to miss an opportunity to make snow. The good news is all of the runs we have open will remain open. Tubing will also open Thursday, as well as Lower Angel Drop Terrain Park.

Whitetail Snowmaking Update

I don't know about Southern PA, but the DC area forecast looks pretty warm for the near term

BaySailor - DCSki Supporter 
December 28, 2022
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Yes this is a bummer, but fortunately it happened as the weather is getting warmer so they shouldn't miss too much snowmaking time.  Had this happened a week ago, that would have been really bad!  I was out today and they have a good amount of snow on the trails...it should certainly carry them through this warm spell.

snowsmith - DCSki Supporter 
December 28, 2022
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As a civil engineer, I have been involved in the design of water and sewage pumping stations. We always build in redundancy. To avoid failures, most of these public works type pump stations have multiple pumps. If one pump fails, the 'spare' pump (or pumps) then operates. Additionally, to minimize wear on the pumps, they typically operate in a lead/lag configuration and each pump will operate for some time to keep it in good working order. If the lead pump fails, the lag pump(s) then operate. If the demand exceeds the capacity of the lead pump, the lag pump(s) come on to meet the demand. I have no idea how snow making pump stations are designed, but having spare operating capacity would help eliminate the termination of snow making operations if the single pump fails.
December 30, 2022
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
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If your entire operation is based on snowmaking, there should have been a “baby monitor” on those pumps, period. 
DCSki Sponsor: Past Yonder: A Human's Views on AI
December 31, 2022
Member since 12/14/2018 🔗
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Surprisingly good corn snow conditions at Whitetail today with no crowds. Parts of Snowpark, Limelight and Homerun are narrow but overall the snow base is good and should mostly survive the warmth of the next few days. 1672518157_lcbvzwixmihf.jpg

January 3, 2023
Member since 12/13/2022 🔗
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Anyone know how these warm temps are impacting Whitetail/Liberty? I know it cant be good but wondering if they will have to close? I was trying to get up there within the next two weekends.
January 3, 2023
Member since 12/5/2022 🔗
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Friday at Whitetail was great (springlike weather and springlike snow/mostly frozen slush). Yesterday was thinner cover. Both days had zero crowds. I can’t imagine they can keep this up much longer, though. Hopefully cold weather end of the week (and a replaced pump ) and they’ll be back making snow. 
BaySailor - DCSki Supporter 
January 3, 2023
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Regarding the pump issue, I spoke with someone in somemaking on Sunday...he says they will be ready to make snow once the cold weather returns.  Unfortunately looking at the forecast,  it appears like that is still a ways away.  It's bad for the whole East Coast...Stowe today only has 29% of its trails open.  Crazy!
January 6, 2023
Member since 10/21/2020 🔗
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January 6, 2023
Member since 01/9/2018 🔗
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I really must say that when it comes to "surprise" mechanical failures (pumps, lifts, compressors) at Vail resort properties, it is a bit like "my dog ate my homework."  You can test things at the end of the season; you can test things at the beginning of the season; hell, you can even test things in the middle of summer! Let's all hope the Vail GM's truly get their respective acts together and that we're done with this early season mechanical silliness. 
January 9, 2023
Member since 03/8/2018 🔗
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Looking at the pics (granted they're dated now), I wouldn't call brown snow with black spots in it good cover. Those are rock ski conditions.
January 17, 2023
Member since 01/14/2023 🔗
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Pics from Whitetail today at about 2pm. Narrow trails. Thin cover. Slush. Lots of brown. Nobody there. They were shutting the lodge at 5pm. Pizza joint not open at all despite posted hours. Fancy restaurant open Thurs to Sun only. A regular Snickers Bar costs $4.50. The whole thing felt kinda post apocalyptic.


Scott - DCSki Editor
January 17, 2023
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RodneyBD - DCSki Supporter 
January 18, 2023
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Interesting to look back on how Whitetail came about - and barely survived - previous poor winters...


900+ plus vertical feet of wide southern aspect slopes - rough

January 18, 2023
Member since 01/9/2018 🔗
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When I was a ski instructor at 7S back in the early 90's, I recall Lars Skylling telling us that while he was worried about Whitetail from a competitive standpoint, he was equally sure that the mountain's realtively low base elevation and southeastern orientation would always be its achillies heel. Rule #1 in the mid-Atlantic, cut the runs facing north!
January 25, 2023
Member since 01/11/2016 🔗
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Hard to remember each Winter over the last 10 years or so, but can anyone remember a Winter when WT had so little terrain open this late in the season?   I see they will sometimes run the guns on the expert terrain, but have such a long way to go to get those slopes open at some point it won't make economic sense for them to do so.    I know there were some snow making problems early in the season for them and the weather hasn't helped, but it seems from the cams that they are only making snow really to freshen up the limited existing trails open (and not even make them wider) and are a long way from opening more terrain.   Looks like the next chance to really make an all out effort to open more terrain will be late next week.  
January 25, 2023
Member since 03/5/2017 🔗
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It’s snowing at Whitetail now. Not sure how much it will be.
January 25, 2023
Member since 01/20/2023 🔗
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Yeah looks pretty good considering the winter we've had so far. Maybe an inch or 2 so by noon.


BaySailor - DCSki Supporter 
January 25, 2023
Member since 03/7/2021 🔗
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Looks like we ended up with about 4 inches of snow today.  This is off my porch in the Whitetail village. 1674677563_svviprperwec.jpg

January 26, 2023
Member since 01/20/2023 🔗
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Nice pic BaySailor - did any of that 4" stick around?

Probably going to whitetail Saturday early with low temps looking ok for night time snowmaking.

January 26, 2023
Member since 01/17/2005 🔗
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2 blues/2 greens open, rough year so far.  They were still firm when I left at 1145.
January 26, 2023
Member since 01/14/2023 🔗
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Thats what she said 


hotelterp wrote:

Nice pic BaySailor - did any of that 4" stick around?

Probably going to whitetail Saturday early with low temps looking ok for night time snowmaking.

BaySailor - DCSki Supporter 
January 28, 2023
Member since 03/7/2021 🔗
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 I just got back up here to Whitetail tonight.,  The natural snow is pretty much gone, but the guns have been blazing the mountain continously since Thursday night.  They won't have any new terrain open yet, but what is open should be much better than the past couple weeks. With the colder temps forecast for the coming week, I'm  hopeful next weekend they will have a lot more of the mountain open.  Keeping my fingers crossed! 🤞 

hotelterp wrote:

Nice pic BaySailor - did any of that 4" stick around?

Probably going to whitetail Saturday early with low temps looking ok for night time snowmaking.

January 28, 2023
Member since 01/11/2016 🔗
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Does anyone remember the last Winter when there was so little terrain open at Whitetail this late into the season (and the terrain that is open is so narrow)?     No guns running early this morning and not looking good for more snowmaking until Tuesday night (though the next week after that looks pretty good).   I wonder how much effort they will put into getting all of the terrain open at that point or if they will just look to expand the width of the trails they currently have open (and maybe add Home Run off of the high speed quad and one or two expert trails).
February 1, 2023
Member since 01/20/2023 🔗
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I've been checking out the webcams for snowmaking coverage at whitetail during this cold spell - does anyone on the ground have a report on where they are blowing besides angeldrop and 2 expert runs? Hopefully they can open additional terrain before the next warmup. 
February 1, 2023
Member since 12/16/2020 🔗
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i’ve been watching the same cams.  things have been looking… grim… until 24 hours ago.  but they’ve been blowing nonstop today.

i’m heading up there tomorrow (thursday feb 2nd) and i’ll try to post a report.  only blue listed as open is angel drop but the cameras suggested they were blowing almost everywhere.  if they get fanciful open i could happily lap that all day.  if they still only have greens and angel drop, i’m probably not going to be staying long. 

i have a five day pass and i can’t believe it is taking until february to burn the first day!

February 2, 2023
Member since 01/11/2016 🔗
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This morning they don't seem to be blowing any snow on the expert terrain even though they were during the day yesterday and are blowing on Angel Drop, Snowpark and a bit on Home Run.     There appears to only be a short window from early tomorrow morning through Saturday night to blow snow consistently.   After that it looks like there won't be another window for some time.   My guess is they have given up on the expert terrain as the snow making they had been doing on the expert terrain wasn't making a big impact on it.    It's hard to tell if they are making snow on the other two blue trails from the top (Limelight and Snow Dancer), but are blowing some on Home Run (though still has a long way to go to open it) so could end up the season with effectively just four trails open (Snowpark/Stalker and Sidewinder for greens and Fanciful and Angel Drop/Home Run) which is really pathetic if that is the case.  
February 2, 2023 (edited February 2, 2023)
Member since 12/16/2020 🔗
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at the mountain now.  cameras pretty much tell the full story.  fanciful and sidewinder aren’t on the cams but are both open with mostly decent coverage.  i can’t see how they will get any of the blacks open.  limelight has snow everywhere except the very bottom so it isn’t open. looks like they have a drainage problem at the bottom.

food court is open, which is nice. lift lines are nonexistent, as are my skills apparently.  my plan is to lap fanciful and angel drop all afternoon, then leave when it gets dark.  

it’s a bummer they don’t have more snow down, but if i’m being honest, the other two blues and the blacks likely wouldn’t change my experience much.  i don’t really seek moguls these days, and the groomers are all more or less the same.  


February 2, 2023
Member since 01/14/2023 🔗
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Just looked at the cams and damn that looks awful. I know it can be fun skiing alone but I don't think I'd burn the gas to get to mud mountain.
February 2, 2023
Member since 12/2/2008 🔗
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chuck_wow wrote:

Just looked at the cams and damn that looks awful. I know it can be fun skiing alone but I don't think I'd burn the gas to get to mud mountain.

What they have open doesn’t look bad, and they should be able to run snowmaking non stop until Sunday morning. They should open another trail or 2 and probably get the best base they have had all season.

February 3, 2023
Member since 01/14/2023 🔗
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And then Tues, Wed, Thursday daytime highs forecasted for 55F and nightly lows stay above freezing. I hope they make some whales. 

Moral of the story: get it this weekend because next weekend likely won't be good.

February 4, 2023
Member since 01/20/2023 🔗
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Conditions were pretty good today - very soft and slightly slow under snow fans lots of side hits and fun features 

it was deceptively crowded lots of people but singles line on quad was less than 5 min wait max 

Bold decision looks ready for opening? One can hope


Scott - DCSki Editor
February 5, 2023
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
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Looks like Whitetail is trying to get Bold Decision ready to open.  And they just started re-making snow on Exhibition, although that still has a ways to go (and the snowmaking forecast isn't looking too great after today).  Have they made any snow on Far Side?


February 5, 2023
Member since 12/16/2020 🔗
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i was looking at the webcam this morning, and saw a snowboarder coming down bold decision.  turns out it was an employee... there was a snowmobile at the bottom with some other folks milling around.

but at least one human managed to do a black at Whitetail this year!  he might end up in rare company.

BaySailor - DCSki Supporter 
February 5, 2023
Member since 03/7/2021 🔗
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 I was up there today.  Nothing yet on Far Side Scott.  Unfortunately I'm not feeling that optimistic about Far side opening this year.  At the rate we are going, it may just be Drop In/Bold Decision for the blacks this year.  Here is to hoping for a big change in the weather!    

Scott wrote:

Looks like Whitetail is trying to get Bold Decision ready to open.  And they just started re-making snow on Exhibition, although that still has a ways to go (and the snowmaking forecast isn't looking too great after today).  Have they made any snow on Far Side?


February 6, 2023
Member since 12/16/2020 🔗
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they opened bold decision / drop in.  didn’t think they would!  i really hope they get another window for snow after this week (i can’t make it up there before next week :-/)
February 10, 2023 (edited February 10, 2023)
Member since 12/16/2020 🔗
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i lied.  managed to get back to wt today.  limelight was open but the entrance to it was an absolute disaster.  narrow and with dirty/rocky patches.   gross way to start an otherwise decent run!

homerun was also open, but shouldn’t have been.  i only did it once, and hit two rocks.   grrrr…

angel drop was fine.

bold decision and drop in were surprisingly fun today.  i think i’m used to them being icy.  corn/slush aren’t so bad if you’re in the right frame of mind.

i’m really glad i went.  i don’t know how long things will last if they can’t blow more.  

February 16, 2023
Member since 03/17/2018 🔗
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Hate to be debbie downer but it doesn't look good for both Forecasts and Webcams.....  This sucks!
wfyurasko - DCSki Supporter 
February 16, 2023
Member since 07/27/2014 🔗
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Closed Friday too.

"Due to a shift in the forecast, Whitetail will pause operations on Friday (2/17). Slopes will re-open Saturday (2/18) at 9am. Thank you for your understanding."
February 16, 2023
Member since 12/16/2020 🔗
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the webcam/forecast definitely give a "done for the season" vibe :-(.

i have 3 days left on my epic pass, so i'm guessing... roadtrip!

February 16, 2023
Member since 01/11/2016 🔗
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Definitely looks like it is going to be a challenge to get runs in any kind of condition for the weekend with a warm night to come and more rain tomorrow with a very limited (if any at all) snowmaking window tomorrow night.    Doesn't look like any good cold spells for the next couple of weeks so would not be surprised to see WT close very soon for the season.   Does anyone remember the last time there was such a dreadful season at Whitetail with three top to bottom runs never opening at all?  
fosphenytoin - DCSki Supporter 
February 16, 2023
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mdr227 wrote:

Definitely looks like it is going to be a challenge to get runs in any kind of condition for the weekend with a warm night to come and more rain tomorrow with a very limited (if any at all) snowmaking window tomorrow night.    Doesn't look like any good cold spells for the next couple of weeks so would not be surprised to see WT close very soon for the season.   Does anyone remember the last time there was such a dreadful season at Whitetail with three top to bottom runs never opening at all?  

 Per my ski instructor friend at Whitetail, last opening date will be 3/12 this year. 

RodneyBD - DCSki Supporter 
February 21, 2023
Member since 12/21/2004 🔗
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Vail did a great job of snowmaking at Liberty and Roundtop this winter and an awful job at Whitetail.  The pump broke, unfortunate, but they also skipped some early season snowmaking windows.  Welcome to the world of corporate skiing. 
February 22, 2023
Member since 12/12/2014 🔗
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Whitetail opened (12/24) before the other former ST resorts, largely because they had been making snow at every opportunity.  There was almost enough snow to push in late November/ early December before a big warm up.  Then came the extreme cold snap at the end of December, and WT crushed it.  The temps began to warm and on 12/28 a pump went down.  Snowmaking was still possible without this part, but at a reduced capacity.  I think WT was a victim of its own transparency in telling folks.  The pump literally went down in a window of unfavorable weather for snowmaking and was replaced by the next window of snowmaking, with maybe 6 hours of reduced capacity snowmaking.  At any point the wet bulb value read 28F or lower for at least 6 hours, WT made snow.  The duration of high temps, rain, and unfavorable SE aspect are hard to overcome, but it is likely WT has more snowmaking power than most resorts on the east coast in the Vail system.  It is easy to find yourself upset about the hand we were dealt this winter as the end seems very near, and very early; but for once I dont think Vail screwed anything up other than maybe going for Angel Drop to Home Run for opening, otherwise guns were added over the summer to lower elevation positions on notoriously thin trails (Fanciful, Limelight) and used.  If we want to gang up on Vail, why is the bar hidden in the back of an upstairs room?!?
February 22, 2023
Member since 01/14/2023 🔗
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WT has too much south facing real estate. They lose snow faster than the others. 
BaySailor - DCSki Supporter 
February 22, 2023
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You are spot on yotestang.  We have a condo up there, so I watch the weather, web cams, and updates a couple times a day.  WT has made snow at every opportunity from what I saw.  When the pump went down in December. the warm up was well on it's way so you are right, they only lost a few hours of marginal snowmaking.  Other than that, they were pumping it out every chance they had.  Most folks don't understand.  Just because it is below 32 doesn't mean they can make snow.  It is all about the wet bulb temperature....If there is high humidity, it needs to be well below that 32 temp in order to make snow.   Mother nature had other plans this year...I don't blame Vail.  As big as they are, they haven't found a way to control the weather! 

Regarding the bar, I'm just happy they have one now.  Credit there goes to Snowtime.  Franklin County didn't make that easy.  It only took nearly 30 years!


yotestang wrote:

Whitetail opened (12/24) before the other former ST resorts, largely because they had been making snow at every opportunity.  There was almost enough snow to push in late November/ early December before a big warm up.  Then came the extreme cold snap at the end of December, and WT crushed it.  The temps began to warm and on 12/28 a pump went down.  Snowmaking was still possible without this part, but at a reduced capacity.  I think WT was a victim of its own transparency in telling folks.  The pump literally went down in a window of unfavorable weather for snowmaking and was replaced by the next window of snowmaking, with maybe 6 hours of reduced capacity snowmaking.  At any point the wet bulb value read 28F or lower for at least 6 hours, WT made snow.  The duration of high temps, rain, and unfavorable SE aspect are hard to overcome, but it is likely WT has more snowmaking power than most resorts on the east coast in the Vail system.  It is easy to find yourself upset about the hand we were dealt this winter as the end seems very near, and very early; but for once I dont think Vail screwed anything up other than maybe going for Angel Drop to Home Run for opening, otherwise guns were added over the summer to lower elevation positions on notoriously thin trails (Fanciful, Limelight) and used.  If we want to gang up on Vail, why is the bar hidden in the back of an upstairs room?!?
RodneyBD - DCSki Supporter 
February 23, 2023
Member since 12/21/2004 🔗
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There were multiple wet bulb temp windows to make some whales for base in November and early December.  Look it up.  Vail CHOSE to not fire up  the guns.  These are facts.  Don't believe it?  Brett Cook literally SAID SO HIMSELF in an interview on the Storm Skiing Journal.  Whether or not the blown snow would have survived is conjecture and irrelevant.  They didn't give themselves the best chance of putting out a half decent product on their south facing banana belt hill. 
February 23, 2023
Member since 06/29/2015 🔗
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RodneyBD wrote:

There were multiple wet bulb temp windows to make some whales for base in November and early December.  Look it up.  Vail CHOSE to not fire up  the guns.  These are facts.  Don't believe it?  Brett Cook literally SAID SO HIMSELF in an interview on the Storm Skiing Journal.  Whether or not the blown snow would have survived is conjecture and irrelevant.  They didn't give themselves the best chance of putting out a half decent product on their south facing banana belt hill. 

Same is true for Wintergreen. The past few winters have all had cold shots around Thanksgiving, allowing places to blow snow and start building bases, or at the very least get a run open. They've instead chosen to wait until mid-December. History has shown that cold temps are not guaranteed that time of year, and they've suffered as a result. Wintergreen, Whitetail, Bryce, Massanutten...they all have to blow snow full speed every cold shot they get these days, even if that means Thanksgiving. 

February 23, 2023
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
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Are there stockpiling strategies that resorts can start using more? Ways to better preserve the mounds of snow for future use?
BaySailor - DCSki Supporter 
February 24, 2023
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Rodney,  Whitetail was making snow in November.  Here's a photo from Nov 22, 2022.  Brett is no longer at Whitetail....I wasn't following Seven Springs where he is now so can't speak to snowmaking there, but I know WT went all in with that cold snap prior to Thanksgiving.  It didn't pan out, but they absolutely tried!1677298698_fjijiowdkcly.jpg


RodneyBD wrote:

There were multiple wet bulb temp windows to make some whales for base in November and early December.  Look it up.  Vail CHOSE to not fire up  the guns.  These are facts.  Don't believe it?  Brett Cook literally SAID SO HIMSELF in an interview on the Storm Skiing Journal.  Whether or not the blown snow would have survived is conjecture and irrelevant.  They didn't give themselves the best chance of putting out a half decent product on their south facing banana belt hill. 
February 25, 2023
Member since 12/2/2008 🔗
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If you look up on AccuWeather history the cold nights after November 13th or so almost all of them will map to facebook/instagram posts with snowmaking. I doubt they missed many nights where both temperatures and humidity cooperated. There might have been a few where the temperature ended up being colder than forecasted and they weren’t prepared, but not enough to make a significant difference with the weather we had.
February 27, 2023
Member since 01/14/2023 🔗
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 Doing it for the gram and really doing it are usually two different things.

rbrtlav wrote:

If you look up on AccuWeather history the cold nights after November 13th or so almost all of them will map to facebook/instagram posts with snowmaking. I doubt they missed many nights where both temperatures and humidity cooperated. There might have been a few where the temperature ended up being colder than forecasted and they weren’t prepared, but not enough to make a significant difference with the weather we had.
RodneyBD - DCSki Supporter 
February 28, 2023
Member since 12/21/2004 🔗
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Exactly.  Testing guns and sharing pictures isn't the same thing as making snow for base. You all have been hoodwinked.  Whitetail closed the week after President's week-  and the first to close in the entire state of Pennsylvania- Pathetic.

chuck_wow wrote:

 Doing it for the gram and really doing it are usually two different things.

rbrtlav wrote:

If you look up on AccuWeather history the cold nights after November 13th or so almost all of them will map to facebook/instagram posts with snowmaking. I doubt they missed many nights where both temperatures and humidity cooperated. There might have been a few where the temperature ended up being colder than forecasted and they weren’t prepared, but not enough to make a significant difference with the weather we had.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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