Mid Atlantic Weather
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December 15, 2023
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
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I knew I should have stayed quiet, jinx’s is operating here. 
What happened to all our local weather predictions? Large snow accumulations for the season. Well this weekend and next week will play havoc again on the local resorts. The Appalachians looks like they will come out with a nice snowstorm even better then NewEngland. The winners will be resorts above the magical 4K elevation. 
Dang and I just bought skis. However I should be ok because Canaan and Timberline are on my start list. 
December 15, 2023
Member since 01/23/2018 🔗
67 posts
Not sure where everyone got the idea that El Nino was a good thing. They read warm and wet and somehow equate that to tons of snow and ignore the warm part. I have a bad feeling we are going to see a lot of rain this winter. Early next week does have a pretty good snowmaking window, however.
December 15, 2023
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
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Was also considering WhiteTail and Massanutten, unfortunately they might be spending most of the time next week repairing the damage. 
Last year at this time and it was a bad year for snow, not even an inch, in DC area. The NorEaster coming would have been a blizzard for DC area last year at this same time frame. Seems like our area always just misses or the cold and storms never align. Need an Elf on the shelf snowman. Just don’t touch it. 
December 15, 2023
Member since 02/18/2014 🔗
194 posts

Well Senior I'm a medicare guy so we aren't so far apart in age. The mid Atlantic has always been hit or miss for snow. Being a young guy in the 60's & 70's I saw a lot of cold and snow. It wasn't until the mid to late 70's that I discovered skiing. I remember skiing at Snowshoe in mid April with a deep base. Those days are gone for now in the cycle we are currently in. 

I moved to South Lake Tahoe in 1979 chasing big snow. My first year at Heavenly it didn't open till the week after the Super Bowl or the end of January. I skied for 3 months that year. The next year I purchased a mid week pass at Kirkwood skied from early November till June over 100 days and a record snowfall of 65' at my home resort. 

In this El Niño season we will be hit or miss but if this weekends northern jet stream arrives roughly 24 hours early or if it arrives tomorrow we would be looking at widespread 2'+ totals from the mid Atlantic to New England. 

The season is still early but around here it is short. My wife and I are heading to Tahoe & Mammoth this spring. If you're planning on a longer season you need to go west. We have flown to Colorado the past 2 springs where we skied and most places out west have been excellent!

I'm at Snowshoe this weekend there is a 40" base with about 1/3 trails open. Expecting rain on Sunday turning to 5"+ snow. The lake effect snow makes the difference here one of the reasons we bought a place up here 10 years ago. I'm about snow quality and with the excellent snow making and natural you can't beat it here. 

Not taking anything away from Cannan or Timberline. Many great days there too!

December 15, 2023
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
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Absolutely agree, I have been in DC since 1967, and I definitely remember the 70’s and 80’s being cold. We use to skate on the C@O canal, year after year. I remember one year DC government telling people not to try and cross the Potomac River downtown it was completely frozen over. Living in the Andrew’s Airforce base area the local creeks would always freeze 1 to 3 inches thick. We didn’t always get big snows but when winter arrived it stayed cold until spring. 
Blue knob the place to ski back then had years when they had to shovel out a line under the lift so the chairs could get through.
Those days are long gone. Too many times we get 60’s and 70’s mid winter, just kills the resorts. My humble opinion the only resorts that will survive will be at the 4K elevation level, a huge difference as this weekend will show. 
I hope this doesn’t happen, these resorts try their best to give us skiable terrain. 
As for snowshoe, been there many times, nice place to ski, but too pricey for me and a long way to go. Word of advice for them, get cupp run open first and you will draw more skiers, however for them might not be an issue because they sell out many times during the ski season. 
December 15, 2023 (edited December 15, 2023)
Member since 02/18/2014 🔗
194 posts

I do remember being on the C&O canal ice skating. Had both figure & hockey skates. We did a lot of skating back in the day before any of us had a drivers license. Our parents would drive a bunch of us guys & we would meet a bunch of girls at the outdoor rink on a Friday night. It was great fun!

I remember first time going to Blue Knob. The snow walls as you went up the mountain reminded me of some of the NY resorts I went to back in the day. 

Thank goodness for the advances in snowmaking and grooming. I agree with the 4K elevation locally being the key. 

December 16, 2023
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
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Oh yes the walls, fun! 
There was a section on mombo alley just before the run out, if you got up enough speed you could ride up to the top of a ridge bowl then shoot down the run out. We also would ski the trees off of the traverse before it was opened. Lastly bunny hop was fun until they took out the bump. To the left of the bump slightly in the trees you could  launch off a lip and get good air going down the slope. I don’t ski like that anymore, got smarter as I got older. Blue Knob always had good natural snow. 
December 23, 2023
Member since 10/25/2020 🔗
189 posts

Hello, I enjoy weather and sensors. I have  a winter weather cert from NOAA (10 hours of training).

#1 a forecast can be off  by 30%. 

 I have 25 years of weather data for mid Atlantic.

Variables are extensive from orthographic lift to micro climates. 5 degrees makes a difference in snowmaking.

We need low humidity and sustained cold blocking for optimum snowmaking.

 Resorts have invested in snowmaking, and can make 35% more in a given timeframe then 20 years ago. Quality is much better. ( I did not take ugly photos for 25 years, but I can remember skiing around mud. Rocks were the norm.)


Long range I look for patterns:

We are in a drought.  The NAO is positive we need negative to have cold air blocking on the east coast. 

AO we need negative to show the cold being released from the arctic circle. 

Gets better in 2 weeks. 





a given season is 90 - 100 days - 12 Weeks +

I have gotten in 25 days + every year. I live 1 hr. away.

Most ski under 10 days a season.  25% go more.

12% have switched to Mid Week

a week of 7 days one days will be a prime day to ski. 2 maybe not the best days.

My 2 cents with my tools and tricks.

Happy Holidays

Celebrate every day. Smile 


JimK - DCSki Columnist
December 23, 2023 (edited December 23, 2023)
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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Happy Holidays Zardog and all.  The next 5-6 days do not look too helpful for the cause.  Warm nights and chances of rain in the mid-Atlantic.  Hopefully, we get some cold temps coming towards the end of the week!
December 25, 2023
Member since 10/25/2020 🔗
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Hi When Minnesota cancels the first time the outdoor ice show we know what we have coming Mild.

I have remote work and can ski mid week and pick the best day or 2 of the week.

Last year open at liberty was  the first week of January and it took a month to have a good base and premium surface.  (looked at my vid and blog for the data) 

NAO an AO look for a cold soon and sustained enough to get more open.  end of 1st week of January 2024.



December 26, 2023
Member since 01/11/2016 🔗
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Looks to be at least 9 days until snowmaking weather at night returns for resorts like Liberty and Whitetail.    Whitetail was able to open of course on Saturday, but are now closed again until further notice and Liberty is nowhere near being able to open and may not be able to sometime into January.    Had high hopes for some good early season local skiing (usually do quick weekday trips to WT and Liberty), but looks like another year of limited terrain open and few good days for a number of weeks.   Hopefully February will come on strong with some cold temps and snow.
December 26, 2023
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
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It is so tough for these resorts. They do try and produce a good product for us but they are at the mercy of the weather, can’t change it. The next 5 plus days is going to do a lot of damage. Looks like only TL and Shoe will survive with their current trail counts. The consensus for our area for the winter was above normal temps, check, and above normal snowfall, jury is still out. Long range has a big change coming, multiple cold outbreaks with potential multiple snowstorms. The models are hinting at a big storm but they always change, however it is definitely better then warm and wet long range. Put on those snow caps. Just need to hold out for another 10 to 15 days. 
Laurel Hill Crazie
December 26, 2023
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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I've been reading that the meteorological forces that maintain the Polar Vortex will weaken and colder air will drop south to envelop the Northeast beginning in January.  Let's hope so.

December 27, 2023
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
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two more days of blah, then Snow coming in!!!  Timberline going strong. Night skiing till 8pm this week too! 


Laurel Hill Crazie wrote:

I've been reading that the meteorological forces that maintain the Polar Vortex will weaken and colder air will drop south to envelop the Northeast beginning in January.  Let's hope so.

December 28, 2023
Member since 11/15/2005 🔗
374 posts

I feel like some version of this thread happens every year lately.

I went to HV yesterday with my kids, because God bless them, they just wanted to ski.  There were a literal handful of other people there with us.

It's depressing.  And once again the resorts have lost a huge chunk of what should be one of the biggest weeks of the year.

It's actually borderline miraculous that they've stayed open, though open is a kind word.

December 28, 2023
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
158 posts

The middle Atlantic is changing no doubt about it. The last multiple years has scene battles with extreme cold and extreme warm. I believe this will be the norm. It seems to be wait until next week or next month then nothing happens. I’m not in the industry so not sure how long the marginal resorts can hang on. I definitely feel for the owners. They probably look at each season as this is the one. The future is 4K elevation, those below that are going to struggle. Being in this area since 67 it has definitely changed. It just doesn’t stay cold for long periods of time. The creeks don’t even freeze solid like they use too. Some will say that the average temps are not much different but there is a huge difference with a steady average of 32 compared to a 32 average that has 64 max and a zero low. I hope I’m dead wrong, definitely want to ski, but I’m not skiing on a greens with a 1000 skiers. There is a lot of talk about the vortex busting out in 2 weeks, turning this around. As my Mom would always say, “ believe it when you see it “ snow towel is still on the rack, come on ☃️❄️

December 28, 2023
Member since 06/29/2015 🔗
88 posts

Agreed. Honestly, I don't see how any of the mid-Atlantic ski areas outside the upslope survive as ski areas. I'm guessing more will transition to snow tubing only (like Hawks Nest, NC). I can't see how it makes economic sense for places like Whitetail and Wintergreen to invest in being 90-100% open for skiing only a month or two a year, if that. Smaller places like Bryce and Sapphire might fare better.

SeniorSki wrote:

The middle Atlantic is changing no doubt about it. The last multiple years has scene battles with extreme cold and extreme warm. I believe this will be the norm. It seems to be wait until next week or next month then nothing happens. I’m not in the industry so not sure how long the marginal resorts can hang on. I definitely feel for the owners. They probably look at each season as this is the one. The future is 4K elevation, those below that are going to struggle. Being in this area since 67 it has definitely changed. It just doesn’t stay cold for long periods of time. The creeks don’t even freeze solid like they use too. Some will say that the average temps are not much different but there is a huge difference with a steady average of 32 compared to a 32 average that has 64 max and a zero low. I hope I’m dead wrong, definitely want to ski, but I’m not skiing on a greens with a 1000 skiers. There is a lot of talk about the vortex busting out in 2 weeks, turning this around. As my Mom would always say, “ believe it when you see it “ snow towel is still on the rack, come on ☃️❄️


December 28, 2023
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts

Fail - PacMan dies oh well. Maybe in Feb?

December 28, 2023
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
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They will have to think out of the box, such as adding mt biking, coasters, zip lines, and adventure parks. Massanutten makes it work with all of the above, I don’t think they have a coaster? Plus a water park. 

I don’t have a clue on numbers but maybe these resorts do ok on skiing just 1 to 3 months? However that is also why prices are probably going way up. 
December 28, 2023
Member since 11/15/2005 🔗
374 posts

 Sadly some Western resorts that have thought outside the box for a much longer period of time have just recently been closing down bike parks because of losing huge lawsuits.

Heck, 7S never reopened theirs after covid and at least around me they are the closest thing to a legitimate resort.

SeniorSki wrote:

They will have to think out of the box, such as adding mt biking, coasters, zip lines, and adventure parks. Massanutten makes it work with all of the above, I don’t think they have a coaster? Plus a water park. 

I don’t have a clue on numbers but maybe these resorts do ok on skiing just 1 to 3 months? However that is also why prices are probably going way up. 
December 28, 2023
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
158 posts
How is that possible law suit? Don’t they have a release statement on lift ticket or land usage just like skiing? The other problem is that there is plenty of free areas to use for Mt Biking. 
Blue Don 1982
December 28, 2023
Member since 01/13/2008 🔗
1,597 posts


 Good Grief


Leo wrote:

I feel like some version of this thread happens every year lately.

I went to HV yesterday with my kids, because God bless them, they just wanted to ski.  There were a literal handful of other people there with us.

It's depressing.  And once again the resorts have lost a huge chunk of what should be one of the biggest weeks of the year.

It's actually borderline miraculous that they've stayed open, though open is a kind word.

December 28, 2023
Member since 11/15/2005 🔗
374 posts

 Hey I might be in that picture! 🤣

Blue Don 1982 wrote:


 Good Grief


Leo wrote:

I feel like some version of this thread happens every year lately.

I went to HV yesterday with my kids, because God bless them, they just wanted to ski.  There were a literal handful of other people there with us.

It's depressing.  And once again the resorts have lost a huge chunk of what should be one of the biggest weeks of the year.

It's actually borderline miraculous that they've stayed open, though open is a kind word.

snowsmith - DCSki Supporter 
December 28, 2023
Member since 03/15/2004 🔗
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If it makes anyone feel any better, Vermont and New Hampshire are just as dreary. Good news is the weather patterns are changing starting tonight. It's a slow change, though. That same storm that has given us our recent dreariness, is still spinning in the mid-west. It's barely moved.  
December 30, 2023
Member since 01/9/2018 🔗
100 posts

Mother nature providing a small gift to Hidden Valley this morning... light but steady snow.


December 30, 2023 (edited December 30, 2023)
Member since 06/30/2004 🔗
785 posts

Radar vs reality... both weather channel and weather underground radar indicate no snow at HV or 7S. Webcam's at both areas paint a completely different picture with large flakes coming down at both places.

Vail resorts must be using AI to create snowflakes on their live webcams!

marzNC - DCSki Supporter 
December 30, 2023 (edited December 30, 2023)
Member since 12/10/2008 🔗
3,391 posts

SeniorSki wrote:

They will have to think out of the box, such as adding mt biking, coasters, zip lines, and adventure parks. Massanutten makes it work with all of the above, I don’t think they have a coaster? Plus a water park. 

I don’t have a clue on numbers but maybe these resorts do ok on skiing just 1 to 3 months? However that is also why prices are probably going way up. 

 Massanutten plans to add an alpine coaster in 2024.  The waterpark took 10 years to plan and build.  The major upgrades for the lifts and slopes didn't start until after enough of the debt was paid for developing the waterpark.  Massanutten is one of the largest timeshare resorts in the country.  What's unusual is that it's now 100% owned by the ESOP, meaning by the employees.

Massanutten and Wintergreen were 4-season resorts from the day they opened.  They both have plenty of private land and could add amenities as financial resources allowed.  Although both have had periods when bankruptcy or financial slowdowns that made things difficult a while back.

Bryce opened their slopes before Massanutten or Wintergreen.  My sense is that it's also always been a 4-season area for 2nd home owners.  The golf course is as important as the slopes.  Bryce has had lift-served mountain biking for a while.

The infrastructure required to have snow on the private slopes in the southeast has always been expensive in comparison to big mountains in the northeast or out west.  100% snowmaking coverage has been the only way to survive as a resort with ski lifts.  NC had quite a few little ski hills start up with a surface lift in the 1960s.  Without investment in snowmaking, they didn't last long.  The relative cost of a day ticket has always been high compared to other regions that are colder (northern midwest, northeast), snowier, and/or have slopes on federal (Rockies) or state park land (northeast).

If anyone is interested in the history of skiing in the southeast, check out Southern Snow by Randy Johnson.  He updated the book in 2019.

December 30, 2023
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
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Great info! 
marzNC - DCSki Supporter 
December 30, 2023
Member since 12/10/2008 🔗
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SeniorSki wrote:

Great info! 

 You're welcome!  

Have you looked around at the info for Lost Areas on DCSki?  That can provide some insight as to why hills in the region didn't become sustainable businesses.  For instance, there is info about Blair Mountain is from Irv Naylor.  He noted why creating Roundtop made more sense to him at the time.  Be sure to read the comments too.

Lost Area: Blair Mountain in Dillsburg, PA

December 31, 2023 (edited December 31, 2023)
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
646 posts

Looking like a good stretch of 24/7 snowmaking starting tomorrow, plus a few rounds of natural up in the WV hills should provide some optimal skiing conditions for the next week or more! You KNOW what to do! :) 


December 31, 2023
Member since 01/27/2015 🔗
426 posts
biggie smalls said it best in juicy...uhh...and if ya don't know now yew know...chaga!
marzNC - DCSki Supporter 
December 31, 2023
Member since 12/10/2008 🔗
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A bonus for the new webcam at the top of the new Peak lift at Massanutten is there is a timeslapse loop.  Could see that snowguns at the top of DJ were on last night for several hours before the lens was covered with snow/ice.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights should have solid snowmaking windows. :-)

December 31, 2023
Member since 01/27/2015 🔗
426 posts
thars lotsa white on the line and cvr cams...thank yew ullr!
January 1, 2024 (edited January 2, 2024)
Member since 01/27/2015 🔗
426 posts
da howlin haole spock da white kine on da cvr cams...shaka bruddah!
January 1, 2024
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
646 posts

forecast for the week is getting better and better... you know what to do! 


marzNC - DCSki Supporter 
January 1, 2024
Member since 12/10/2008 🔗
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Daytime snowmaking at Massanutten on Jan. 1.  Stick guns on under the new lift for No Hessitation.  Webcam screen shot at 4:30pm.


January 1, 2024
Member since 01/27/2015 🔗
426 posts
those potomac highland dreamflakes mixed with the nattie white will slather the line into it's wintertime prime...then round two...yew!
January 1, 2024
Member since 02/19/2019 🔗
212 posts
Just got back from a few days at Timberline and it was great.  The only drawback was that we had to leave after 5" had just fallen overnight and it was still falling hard as we drove off...
January 2, 2024
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
158 posts
Definitely agree those that didn’t invest got left behind. I will say there seemed to be plenty of snow in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s that didn’t really require investment in snowmaking, basic  snowmaking efforts got through. This is no longer the case. Blue Knob is a prime example. The place to ski in the 70’s and 80’s. They relied on good natural snow. Then came along White Tail and Blue, and now TL with the massive improvements with state of the art snowmaking. These resorts just killed Blue Knob on skier draw. Before Blue Knob realized what was happening it was too late. The Blue Knob draw is now very limited. Washington area skiers go to White Tail. If Blue Knob had invested in snow making they might have made a dent in the market because no one is skiing White Tail today. Where Blue Knob could have been 75/100% open by now. The only way for Blue Knob to get back in the game is to find a way to make BK a draw, and that is to cut multiple trails at 2K vertical if that is even possible? Front side like Snow Shoe or extended back side, below existing base lift start. 
January 2, 2024 (edited January 2, 2024)
Member since 02/11/2017 🔗
128 posts

 Blue Knob DOES own all of the parcels to the east of them, so in theory they could cut a few new runs on that side.  That would allow them to have runs directly next to the condos and true ski in ski out.

There isn't the vert there.  Looks like they own down to Left Hand Gap Rd and Overland Pass Rd, that's only 400ft lower than the base lift right now.  They could possibly do something adding a few hundred more feet, but it's be a strange trail to ride.

If they expanded east they could cut a number of 1200ft vert trails with ease.  A single well placed lift could serve that entire area as well.

They need to amp up their snowmaking, invest in better lifts, and boost hospitality, then market like crazy.  The entire place has a vibe of "we have no money and we don't care."  Yet on a solid powder day it's the best terrain in PA without a doubt.

SeniorSki wrote:

Definitely agree those that didn’t invest got left behind. I will say there seemed to be plenty of snow in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s that didn’t really require investment in snowmaking, basic  snowmaking efforts got through. This is no longer the case. Blue Knob is a prime example. The place to ski in the 70’s and 80’s. They relied on good natural snow. Then came along White Tail and Blue, and now TL with the massive improvements with state of the art snowmaking. These resorts just killed Blue Knob on skier draw. Before Blue Knob realized what was happening it was too late. The Blue Knob draw is now very limited. Washington area skiers go to White Tail. If Blue Knob had invested in snow making they might have made a dent in the market because no one is skiing White Tail today. Where Blue Knob could have been 75/100% open by now. The only way for Blue Knob to get back in the game is to find a way to make BK a draw, and that is to cut multiple trails at 2K vertical if that is even possible? Front side like Snow Shoe or extended back side, below existing base lift start. 
January 2, 2024
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
158 posts
We would always drive up from the west side of Blue Knob and always discussed it would be awesome if they had trails on that side, if I recall it is like a 2 mile drive up to the top. We had so much fun skiing there. Lots of challenging terrain but slow lifts. Extrovert and high hopes, fun! Unfortunately BK is struggling, they will need a ton of money, not sure if anyone wants to take the risk. Too much competition from every direction around BK. They do have an advantage and that is elevation where White Tail is struggling too. Day trippers from DC areas have Liberty, White Tail, Massanutten, Round Top, Timberline Wisp, maybe Blue and Seven Springs might be too long of a drive, and Blue Knob. Liberty, White Tail, and Round Top get killed with warm weather. Wisp is not really a big mt basically 600 ft, not a fan. So we are left with Massanutten, TL and Canaan as BK’s major competitors. Massanutten can get hit with warm temps too, however they have invested heavily into snowmaking, TL too, both can put out a ton of snow in a short amount of time. I believe TL is almost completely open. Plus TL is at the 4K level thus holding snow much longer. BK needs to get on it or they will fade. Major snowmaking and new long winding trails, my .02 cents. 
January 2, 2024
Member since 07/27/2014 🔗
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I went once, 2012, I think. It was a rough season and empty, but there was a little bit of powder falling through the day and it made a huge difference. I really liked the skiing, the lodge, the vibe, etc. I'd love to be there after it dumps some day.

I used to say that if Blue Knob had Whitetail's operations, it'd be incredible. I don't know about present day Whitetail, but what Snowtime got out of that hill for all those years was incredible.
January 3, 2024
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
158 posts
Just checked out BK’s web page, are they closed???? No trail report ????
January 4, 2024
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
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You KNOW what to do!  


January 4, 2024
Member since 01/27/2015 🔗
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eye done did it...yew!
Grumpy dad - DCSki Supporter 
January 4, 2024
Member since 11/7/2021 🔗
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NWS isnt as bullish about snow in the laurel highlands it would seem.  Forecasts for 7Springs and Champion (the little town at the base) make no mention of snow accumlation.  :(

Their forecast is for snow then wintry mix.  1-2 inches w/ a possible glaze of ice.  

snowsmith - DCSki Supporter 
January 4, 2024
Member since 03/15/2004 🔗
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Grumps - weather channel show 3-5 inches on Saturday with another 1-3 on Sunday. Then snow showers on Monday. And 
Grumpy dad - DCSki Supporter 
January 5, 2024
Member since 11/7/2021 🔗
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I hope that pans out plus some, but there are no alerts for the area and I live near 7Springs.
By now, there would be alerts for at least the ridges, but there is nothing.  They dont even have the wintery mix/frozen stuff warning up anymore.  Not that anyone wants that, but at least it's a signal that precipitation is coming and with enough cold that they could be wrong and we could get snow.  

I'll be surprised if we actually get 5 inches of snow, and no advisory was released.  Maybe because it's may play out over 24 hours, it wont have any moderate impact to the road surfaces?

I will say that they are now forcasting a high tomorrow well below where we need to be to ensure we have precip in the form of snow.  Yesterday they were saying in the low 30's now high 20's as a high. 

snowsmith wrote:

Grumps - weather channel show 3-5 inches on Saturday with another 1-3 on Sunday. Then snow showers on Monday. And 
January 6, 2024 (edited January 6, 2024)
Member since 01/27/2015 🔗
426 posts
wet to white at nine...two hour stack...see you at the line
marzNC - DCSki Supporter 
January 6, 2024
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As of 1pm on Jan. 6, I see snow coming down on the 7Springs webcam.

The warm temps moving up into VA from the south are keeping the snow away from Massanutten and Wintergreen.  No snowflakes on the Bryce webcam either.

January 6, 2024
Member since 01/9/2018 🔗
100 posts

I live at Hidden Valley and we’re experiencing heavy snow at the moment. Snowing since 10 am… forecast to continue through 6 pm, then additional snow tomorrow.

January 6, 2024
Member since 02/19/2019 🔗
212 posts

Wow, Snowshoe is getting hammered by huge flakes.


January 7, 2024
Member since 01/27/2015 🔗
426 posts
yesty's bust is today's white gold...getting hammered at the line...yew!
JimK - DCSki Columnist
January 7, 2024 (edited January 7, 2024)
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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I think Blue Knob got 9" but they only have a couple trails open to midstation??  :-(
dclivejazz - DCSki Supporter 
January 10, 2024
Member since 03/5/2017 🔗
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Here's a recent article from the NY Times about a study of the effect of climate change on amounts of snow, showing a reduction in some areas over recent years, including the Northeast. Read it and weep:


January 14, 2024
Member since 01/27/2015 🔗
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look at the summit cam for the line...no thong zone
January 15, 2024
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
646 posts

 Full on blizzard in Canaan Valley yesterday!  Bomber base and getting more through-out the week!  YEW KNOW what to do! 

Blizzard subsided early afternoon  after putting down another 4" and turned into a glorious day!   natural snowpack 14" now with bottom layer bombproof! 



snapdragon wrote:

look at the summit cam for the line...no thong zone
Grumpy dad - DCSki Supporter 
January 16, 2024
Member since 11/7/2021 🔗
161 posts

Do yourself a favor and pull up the historical weather / temperatures for a city near you, pick 3 while you are at it.  Go back 150 years, and look at the average highs/lows and averages in January.  Notice how in the 50/60s/70s temps were pretty much about 5-7 degrees on average colder than they are today. Now look back before then, and compare them to today.  Notice how they are exactly the same?

The only climate change happening is that we are going back to normal. When these resorts were all built, they were built during a cooling period.  So now we are all convinced we are getting warmer when in reality we are just going back to normal


dclivejazz wrote:

Here's a recent article from the NY Times about a study of the effect of climate change on amounts of snow, showing a reduction in some areas over recent years, including the Northeast. Read it and weep:


January 16, 2024
Member since 01/6/2014 🔗
40 posts

So in the 50/60/70s the temps were cooler... so from the 80/90/2000s they were progressively warmer? Why have global scientists, who are neither Democrat nor Republican, confirmed that humans are fueling a warming climate? Why are we experiencing, year after year, record heat globally? Why are ski resorts in the Alps closing their doors due to lack of snow/cold? - link provided. newrepublic.com

Grumpy dad wrote:

Do yourself a favor and pull up the historical weather / temperatures for a city near you, pick 3 while you are at it.  Go back 150 years, and look at the average highs/lows and averages in January.  Notice how in the 50/60s/70s temps were pretty much about 5-7 degrees on average colder than they are today. Now look back before then, and compare them to today.  Notice how they are exactly the same?

The only climate change happening is that we are going back to normal. When these resorts were all built, they were built during a cooling period.  So now we are all convinced we are getting warmer when in reality we are just going back to normal


dclivejazz wrote:

Here's a recent article from the NY Times about a study of the effect of climate change on amounts of snow, showing a reduction in some areas over recent years, including the Northeast. Read it and weep:


January 16, 2024 (edited January 16, 2024)
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts
Meh don't go there with climate change; on this board we've all gone around and around. People will believe what they want to believe and then they die. The next generations will be the stewards as their rank grows. All this will be gone eventually, although I personally believe in doing all I can to save things even though it might be futile. "Do not go gentle into that good night".
January 16, 2024
Member since 01/6/2014 🔗
40 posts

Good advice. 

Back to Mid-Atlantic weather... It looks like the Whitetail/Liberty/Roundtop will be able to get a decent base down this week/weekend to sustain the next round of warm weather! The rumor on the street is that Whitetail plans to be rolling 100% by this weekend! 

Crush wrote:

Meh don't go there with climate change; on this board we've all gone around and around. People will believe what they want to believe and then they die. Th next generations will be the stewards as their rank grows. All this will be gone eventually, although I personally believe in doing all I can to save things even though it might be futile. "Do not go gentle into that good night".
January 17, 2024 (edited January 17, 2024)
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
646 posts

 Amen!  time to stop talk about skiing and go because its been snowing like 2010 in Canaan! Best January in a long time!! Solid base, and you can litterally ski anywhere and and any hill you want!  Moments are fleeting.... go skiing now!!!!   Tline will probably have the guns on from now till Saturday with the single digits adding even more the natural snowpack!  Whitegrass having its best stretch of snow and weather in a long time! 

Moments like this are fleeting and ephemeral, go out and get seize it while its here!  because it could 40s and raining next week for the ole "january thaw"

Crush wrote:

Meh don't go there with climate change; on this board we've all gone around and around. People will believe what they want to believe and then they die. The next generations will be the stewards as their rank grows. All this will be gone eventually, although I personally believe in doing all I can to save things even though it might be futile. "Do not go gentle into that good night".
January 17, 2024 (edited January 17, 2024)
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts

💯✅ - thus the beauty

chaga wrote: ... Moments like this are fleeting and ephemeral, go out and get seize it while its here! ,,

January 17, 2024 (edited January 17, 2024)
Member since 07/27/2014 🔗
363 posts

Yesterday's snow total in Alexandria, Va. - 3.5 inches, first measurable snow in two years to the day. I need to get my personal weather station online for "official" data.

January 18, 2024
Member since 01/27/2015 🔗
426 posts
tue was sick...yesty was sicker...reckon today'll be sickest...riding the line in the potomac highlands...yew!
January 18, 2024
Member since 02/19/2019 🔗
212 posts
Can anyone remember when was the last time this region (OK maybe PA excepted) had a better January than this?
Blue Don 1982
January 18, 2024
Member since 01/13/2008 🔗
1,597 posts

 I spent Sun, Mon Tue at Snowshoe. Then Wed at 7S. I know there is a lot of groaning about what is and is not open. 

Both were making tons of snow. IMO, there's enough open to keep you busy. Not saying it's perfect but our gang had a good time.

AND ....... both places are about to get dumped on this Friday.

Keith_Moon wrote:

Can anyone remember when was the last time this region (OK maybe PA excepted) had a better January than this?
January 18, 2024
Member since 02/11/2017 🔗
128 posts

 W PA is rocking.  I don't remember a January like this in years.  It's great!  Another 5-12in are predicted for the ridges tonight.  It's going to be another awesome weekend at Laurel Mountain.

Keith_Moon wrote:

Can anyone remember when was the last time this region (OK maybe PA excepted) had a better January than this?
January 18, 2024 (edited January 18, 2024)
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
646 posts

 2010, and 2011 for sure.  Weve had bigger single storm total here and there, but not the consistency and rock soild base BASE under the powder. Usually it would be kinda dry until mid january, then a big storm.  this year,  snow on the ground since newyears now!!  with extra 3-5" storms a bunch adding up.  Calling for a bunch tonight - saturday to top it off even more! :O     Then 40s and rain in the forecast.

2022 had a week stretch that was skiable in the woods and everywhere but then sucked after it thawed.  Basing it all on memory, verification can be found on the canaan snowfall data site.  

2022 January Powder days video

Keith_Moon wrote:

Can anyone remember when was the last time this region (OK maybe PA excepted) had a better January than this?
January 18, 2024
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
1,705 posts
Tickets purchased for TL this Saturday!
January 18, 2024
Member since 01/30/2020 🔗
37 posts

Is Blue Knob within this Western PA area that you are referring to that is getting all of this new forecasted snow tomorrow?

Snow chasing with the kids since their school will be closed tomorrow.  Was thinking of Montage (we are on the Indy Pass) but it doesn't look like that they are getting much from this storm.



oddballstocks wrote:

 W PA is rocking.  I don't remember a January like this in years.  It's great!  Another 5-12in are predicted for the ridges tonight.  It's going to be another awesome weekend at Laurel Mountain.

Keith_Moon wrote:

Can anyone remember when was the last time this region (OK maybe PA excepted) had a better January than this?
January 18, 2024
Member since 09/28/2010 🔗
59 posts
What are the odds   CVR will open up the natural areas (meadows 2 , 3, dark side, prosperity , glades  etc this weekend ? Looks  like they were grooming out meadows 1 on the webcam last night so hopefully that pops.  
January 18, 2024
Member since 02/18/2014 🔗
194 posts

With 9" to 18" predicted we will roll past last seasons total snowfall with ease here at Snowshoe. Should be very close to 60+ trails open over the weekend.


January 18, 2024
Member since 07/27/2014 🔗
363 posts

Dafixison wrote:

Is Blue Knob within this Western PA area that you are referring to that is getting all of this new forecasted snow tomorrow?

Snow chasing with the kids since their school will be closed tomorrow.  Was thinking of Montage (we are on the Indy Pass) but it doesn't look like that they are getting much from this storm.


As I mentioned in the Blue Knob thread, if I could go anywhere in the region tomorrow or Saturday, it'd be Blue Knob. This is probably their peak weekend of 2024. It has the only bowl that I know of within a day trip of DC.

How good are your kids at skiing? I heard it called "The Ungroomed Capital of Pennsylvania" this week.

January 18, 2024
Member since 01/30/2020 🔗
37 posts

Wow...that is great to hear...will check out the other thread for sure.

My kids are 13 and 15, and they are rapidly getting to be better skiers than their old Dad....love steeps, bumps,  and glades.  Sounds like we might want to pack some overnight essentials just in case they want to ski it again the next day.

January 19, 2024
Member since 02/11/2017 🔗
128 posts

 No, Blue Knob is considered Central PA.  Johnstown is about as far east as you can go in the state and still be considered "western".

Dafixison wrote:

Is Blue Knob within this Western PA area that you are referring to that is getting all of this new forecasted snow tomorrow?

Snow chasing with the kids since their school will be closed tomorrow.  Was thinking of Montage (we are on the Indy Pass) but it doesn't look like that they are getting much from this storm.



oddballstocks wrote:

 W PA is rocking.  I don't remember a January like this in years.  It's great!  Another 5-12in are predicted for the ridges tonight.  It's going to be another awesome weekend at Laurel Mountain.

Keith_Moon wrote:

Can anyone remember when was the last time this region (OK maybe PA excepted) had a better January than this?
January 19, 2024
Member since 11/14/2023 🔗
6 posts
Hey folks--wondering if it will be safe to drive out to Whitetail from DC this afternoon?
Grumpy dad - DCSki Supporter 
January 19, 2024 (edited January 19, 2024)
Member since 11/7/2021 🔗
161 posts
Wow talk about a bust of a storm. I never saw why they were predicting so much snow on radar.  It was 6-9 with more in higher elevations at one point in the laurel highlands.  It's stopped snowing right now, and I have MAYBE 2" of fresh on top of the 8" of snowpack.  
I have a table on my deck that holds snow fairly well, and I never clear it off.  It's wood if that matters.  I gauge how well we are doing by how much snow sits on there.  A couple of years ago, I put my mule mug on there to keep it cool while cooking on the grill. I take pictures from time to time to show the height of snow on the table just because, well who doesn't like a picture of snow piled on outdoor furniture?  While the impression is we are doing pretty ok now in the highlands, the reality is we are about half what we normally are for snowpack.  MUCH better than last year, but with this warm spell coming up I suspect that pack will diminish by half by the end of it. 
Here's hoping for a snowy February.  One that actually comes to fruition.  
When the tree branches are clear, the roads are clear, and I can't really see it snowing - that's not a storm, so IMO they really blew it on this one.
newbie2022 - DCSki Supporter 
January 19, 2024
Member since 01/26/2023 🔗
15 posts
Speak for yourself. In Arlington it's still coming down with 3 inches of new accumulation since it started overnight. Yesterday morning I was in a 1-2" forecast band, so it's been a good one for us here. Looking forward to some great turns out at WT or Liberty this weekend!
Grumpy dad - DCSki Supporter 
January 19, 2024
Member since 11/7/2021 🔗
161 posts

 Always good to get more than they forecast!  Good for you all.
I wish it ended up like that for us.  I guess it will be easier for me to clear our pond ice off for hockey.

We are at the point of lake effect only, and have NEVER to my experience gotten more than a couple of inches from lake effect post a front moving through.  So while they were originally saying 6-9, with more in the higher elevations (where Im at, near 7Springs)  it will likely be more like 4 in reality.  To me that's a big bust but to others, any new snow is great.  

newbie2022 wrote:

Speak for yourself. In Arlington it's still coming down with 3 inches of new accumulation since it started overnight. Yesterday morning I was in a 1-2" forecast band, so it's been a good one for us here. Looking forward to some great turns out at WT or Liberty this weekend!
Scott - DCSki Editor
January 19, 2024
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
1,282 posts
I'm one mountain over from Whitetail, and just spent the past couple hours snowblowing at least 4 inches of snow off my driveway.  And it's still coming down (although somewhat lightly now).
January 19, 2024
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts

 Niiiice! Hey! Skiing on a work day ?!?! Ohhhh you did the retirement thing? Awesome if you swung that!

Scott wrote:

I'm one mountain over from Whitetail, and just spent the past couple hours snowblowing at least 4 inches of snow off my driveway.  And it's still coming down (although somewhat lightly now).
January 19, 2024
Member since 01/30/2020 🔗
37 posts

Blue Knob did not disappoint today.   Steady snow fall from rope drop to about 4:30pm...all the while, the snow guns were blasting on some of the trails...Fluffy buttery soft powder can be found everywhere.  Ungroomed terrains were both challenging and fun...knee deep powder was found in some parts of the untracked glades.

Hope Everyone can get out this weekend to enjoy the fresh snow.

January 20, 2024
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
646 posts

 100% got over a foot of snow yesterday on top of almost a foot of powder on top of base!  Almost too deep for the pitches here!  


Brook wrote:

What are the odds   CVR will open up the natural areas (meadows 2 , 3, dark side, prosperity , glades  etc this weekend ? Looks  like they were grooming out meadows 1 on the webcam last night so hopefully that pops.  
January 20, 2024
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
646 posts

 good move! there is this much snow on the ground! 


wgo wrote:

Tickets purchased for TL this Saturday!
January 20, 2024
Member since 07/8/2005 🔗
194 posts

It certainly was one of the best Saturdays. We’ve had in many years.

Unfortunately, the rain is coming Wednesday through Saturday

chaga wrote:

 good move! there is this much snow on the ground! 


wgo wrote:

Tickets purchased for TL this Saturday!


January 21, 2024
Member since 09/28/2010 🔗
59 posts

Great pic .. Made it up and it was all open  indeed and DEEP breaking trail on the newly opened runs. So much fun !!  more today

chaga wrote:

 100% got over a foot of snow yesterday on top of almost a foot of powder on top of base!  Almost too deep for the pitches here!  


Brook wrote:

What are the odds   CVR will open up the natural areas (meadows 2 , 3, dark side, prosperity , glades  etc this weekend ? Looks  like they were grooming out meadows 1 on the webcam last night so hopefully that pops.  
Grumpy dad - DCSki Supporter 
January 22, 2024 (edited January 22, 2024)
Member since 11/7/2021 🔗
161 posts

Wow, do I feel like I missed out seeing people ski in knee deep powder.
I was initially bummed at what seemed like a bust of a storm, then suddenly Friday night we got hammered in spots.  Then it snowed on us again Saturday.
I was forced by family to endure 7Springs, (I live 5 minutes from there so).  I swear that resort gets packed out somehow before 7am with no skiers on it.  
For some reason I can't quite figure out, Vail has been cutting corners and making it less enticing to want to go there, yet the entire resort and all Airbnbs were booked in the area.  

At a minimum it was nice to ski on packed powder.  Occasionally on the busiest of trails you'd run into some really packed down stuff that was very slippery, but overall you could still hold an edge.  

This upcoming weather has me seriously bummed though.  high 50's, then we return to slightly above avg temps then another week in the high 50's.  That's terrible, and I really hope they are wrong. Somehow they are never wrong about bad news though. 

January 22, 2024
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
158 posts
Supposedly, most likely, highly probable, solid guidance, but no guarantee 😁 A positive PNA will set up out west,  starting this coming Sunday. We are going to have to watch a serious rain and warmth time frame eat away at everyone’s bases 🙁 The outlook has very cold air coming in for the entire month of February. Those at 4K will probably be ok, might loose some marginal trails, they will be 10 plus colder then the DC area. Let’s hope this happens because I am ready to ski in February. However it is the weather 50% right, 50% wrong. Got to put your pj’s on inside out and backwards. 
January 31, 2024
Member since 01/31/2022 🔗
158 posts
Question for you weather geeks out there, why is it that the east coast weather is so hard to predict anything outside of 24 hours even then it is still a chance forecast, compared to the west coast that are for the most part dead on. 
I remember reading something about the Appalachian chain, the Atlantic Ocean and the meeting place for northern systems and southern systems makes the forecast on the east coast extremely difficult to analyze. 
January 31, 2024
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts
Wow that sucks - NOT !!!
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